Chapter 4- Revolting or just gross?

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Chapter 4- Revolting or just gross?

Royce and I were laying in our meadow, just messing around. As I lay in the soft grass I looked up into Royce’s beautiful blue eyes. He was lying on top of me, arms on either side so his body weight wasn’t on mine. Some of his shaggy black hair was in his face, covering his beautiful eyes.

I loved his eyes…

I reached up and brushed his bangs out of his face. Instantly it fell back to its original place, clouding his eyes. So, again, I moved them out of the way. Again, they fell back unto his eyes. I huffed out in annoyance and got ready to move them again, when a pair of lips met mine.

His lips were soft and gentle against mine. I guess I was so into his hair being in his eyes that I didn’t even notice him moving closer. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his body against mine.

He smiled into the kiss and kissed me harder. This in return just made me pull him even closer to me. I kissed him with a fire that only he could put out. He pulled away and grinned at me. I took this time to catch my breath.

“W-Why’d you kiss me?” I asked, breathlessly.

“Am I not allowed to kiss you?”

“You are, it was just so…random.”

“You were too caught up in my hair and you seemed to be frustrated, so as your boyfriend it is my job to help and kissing you seemed to be the best way.” A huge grin was on his face now and I couldn’t help but to smile at his logic.

But instead of answering back with a witty remark I pulled him back to me and kissed him, hard. He didn’t waste time in kissing me back and kissed me just as hard as I was kissing him. I took my legs from under him and wrapped them around his torso, bringing him even closer.

He seemed to like my idea as he let himself sink closer to me. He kissed me even harder than before and I knew, right then and there, I was in heaven. I loved kissing this boy, heck I loved this boy.

I moved my hands from his neck and down to his chest. I ran my hands lover and lover until I reached the hem of his t-shirt. I inched his shirt up, inch by inch, until it was to the point where he decided to take it of himself. Sitting up, he straddled my waist and took of his t-shirt.

Oh, Lord…Yum.

His olive skin tone looked so good on six pack, I swear I’m about to hyperventilate here. I grinned up at him like the Cheshire cat and reached up, placed my hands on his shoulders and pulled him down to me.

Our kiss was filled with passion and I was lost in the world of his kisses. Royce rolled us over so I was now straddling him. He reached up and took my shirt off. It’s a good thing it’s a nice sunny day today and not cold.

For a while we just stayed like that, kissing. Then I started thinking, was I ready for what was next? Am I ready to lose my V-card? I know that I want to lose it to Royce, but like this, in a meadow, in the open?

No, I don’t, and besides I don’t even think I’m ready for this yet.

Suddenly the kiss was broke and I just looked at Royce, a little shocked he stopped.

“Chey, I—we—can’t go farther than this.” He said a little nervously.

“What?” I asked confused.

“Oh, God, Chey, please don’t take this the wrong way.” I sat up straddling him and asked again.

“What?” He groaned and put his hands on his face, dragging his hands down his face he prepared to talk to me again.

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