Meeting Him

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Growing up in Charming you learn a few things, the main one being, stay the hell away from the outlaw biker club. All my life I done that having people whisper in my ear, telling me how disgusting and aggressive they are. I never got a chance to make up my own mind, that was until now.

I walk over to my little sisters school. I've picked her up everyday since my mom left. My little sisters name is Dahlia, she's 5 and my name is Bonnie, I'm 22. I'm dressed in a black top with AA wrote on it in bold writing and black jeans with black converse shoes. My hair is black and right now I'm wearing it down and straight.

I'm wearing double my normal make up, foundation, eye liner and mascara. Even with all the make up I can't seem to hide the cut and bruise on my right cheekbone.

The school bell sounds and I shortly after I see my little sister running towards me with open arms. I bend down and catch her in a hug.

"Bonnie, I missed you" Dahlia says in the sweetest voice.

"I missed you too" I smile. I take her hand and turn around only to get approached by a woman. She's tall with a noticeable scar on her chest, like me she's wearing all black. She looks me up and down before speaking.

"Haven't I seen you before?" She asks.

"Um I'm not sure" I say awkwardly.

"You're name is Bonnie, right?" She asks with a smirk.

"Yeah" I answer confused.

"You work at that bar, the Regal" Its weird this woman, I've never met before, knows all about me.

"I used to but I had to quit. To many priorities I had to take care of" I say looking down at Dahlia.

"She's a cute kid" The woman crouches down to Dahlias level. "What's your name sweetie?"

"Dahlia" Dahlia answers nervously.

"That's a beautiful name" The woman stands back up straight. "She yours?"

"No just my kid sister" I laugh nervous.

"That's some shiner on your face. What happened?" Damn this woman asks a lot of questions.

"I had a bad run in with a bad ex" I say rubbing the back of my head.

"You got someone at home that can take care of that?" She asks lifting my head gently and moving it to the side to get a better view.

"Nope, just me and Dahlia" I say shyly.

"I know a guy he'll fix you up nicely. You gotta take care of it first otherwise it'll leave a mark and you don't want your pretty skin getting damaged"

"That's real nice, really, but we just met I don't even know your name" I state.

"Gemma, Gemma Teller-Morrow. I'm here to pick up my grandson Abel. You don't have to worry about me hurting you, I don't hit woman. Well not usually" Gemma said, her second name is famous around here.

"Seriously its really nice but-" Gemma cut me off.

"I'm not taking no for an answer, come on" Gemma says tugging me slightly as she begins to walk. I hold Dahlias hand as we follow Gemma to a car with a woman sitting on the hood. She was playing with a little boy that looks around Dahlia's age.

"Took your time. Who's this?" The woman asked with sass.

"This is Bonnie and Dahlia and this is my grandson Abel and Tara" Gemma spit out the woman's name like it was poison.

"Nice to meet you" Tara faked a smile as she looked me up and down. 

"Jump in. Bonnie gets shot gun" Gemma said receiving a glare from Tara. We got in and Gemma took off.

"So, where are we going?" I ask.

"Clubhouse" Gemma answered.

"So is this what you do know Gemma? Just pick off random people from the street?" Tara asked with bitchiness.

"If it wasn't for the kids in the car I would have backed into a wall" Gemma threatens, her voice as cold as ice.

"Jax wont be happy about this you know" Tara says looking out the window in a huff. A the famous Jax Teller now that was the one guy I always stayed away from in high school.

"Jeez not even the  kids take tantrums anymore, what age are you? You're a grown woman act like it! And you really think I give a damn what Jax thinks? I'm his mother and even if I wasn't he isn't president yet, my ol' man is. Which makes me the Queen of the club" I didn't get what half of that meant, president? Queen? Ol' Man? I guess I'll find out soon enough. We arrived at a garage and we all got out.

"Come on, lets play" Abel said taking hold of Dahlias hand as they ran off to a outdoor play area. I followed Gemma and Tara inside, Tara crossed her arms and stormed off ahead.

"Don't mind her, she's just a bitch" Gemma tells me.

"Yeah I got that" I said and we both laughed. I looked around to see the place was full of bikers and woman. I seen a bar with a guy behind it, he had shaggy hair and looked nervous. I let my eyes wonder and I seen a man playing a guitar and singing. His voice was soft and beautiful.

"Bang, bang, he shot me down,

Bang, bang, I hit the ground,

Bang, bang, that awful sound,

Bang, bang, my baby shot me down" His voice was like an angel.

"I'll go get Chibs, wait here" Gemma says and I put my hand on her arm to stop her.

"Hold on, who's the singer?" I ask, not taking my eyes off him.

"That's Bobby. You should go over and say hi" Gemma says nudging me playfully.

"No I couldn't" I say, giggling slightly. His eyes glanced over at me and for a second we made eye contact before he turned away to speak to his friend. His friend looked over at me then back at Bobby and shrugged, then they both looked at me. I could feel my cheeks glowing red as I turned away.

"Hey is that a bar? I'll wait for you at the bar" I say and she chuckles a I walk away.

"Suit yourself" Gemma shouts, laughing as she walks away to find a guy named Chibs. 

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