Clubhouse Fun

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After what happened with Bobby things got pretty awkward. "I.. uh.. gotta be somewhere" was the last thing Bobby said before getting up and walking out. It has been a few days since and I haven't seen him.

"I don't know why I take people's advice" I say to Jax as we sit side to side at the bar.

"What's on your mind?" Jax asks half interested.

"Opie gave me some advice that I thought was pretty solid but turned out to be a total dud" I reply and Had laughed.

"You trusted Opies advice?" Jax asks through laughter and I glare.

"Thanks for the warning not to" I reply.

"What was it?"

"He said that Bobby liked me back and I was to just go for it"

"How did that fail. You're all he's spoke about since you got here" Jax blurted out.

"Well he turned me down" I shrug.

"Look Bobby is a complicated guy. He isn't into serious stuff, he just wants-" Jax paused to think of the words.

"A fuck buddy" I answer for him.

"Yeah basically. I wouldn't get too attatched"

"Thanks Jax" I say in a dissapointed tone. I walk outside and sit at one of the tables and chairs. To just my luck Bobby rode in on his bike with a few others, they seemed rather rushed. Bobby walked past me giving me a quick glimpse before heading inside.

Only a few minutes passed before a hoard of members came rushing outside and towards the bikes.

"Half-Sack you keep an eye on things here" Jax ordered with Half-Sack giving a nod of understandment.

"What's going on?" I ask Half-Sack.

"Rival club rolled into town and are causing some trouble" Half-Sack answers. I watch as the long line of motorcycles leave one by one.

"Wanna play some pool?" I ask Half-Sack who agrees. Hours pass and Half-Sack and I are sat at the bar playing rummy with cards. I hear the roar of motorcycles followed by what sounds like a car engine. I look up at the camera and see everyone rushing around. Out of the car comes Chibs who was driving and Bobby who looks hurt.

Everyone charges in and clears a path towards church. Bobby is carried in with Chibs and Juice at either side of him. There's blood on his shoulder and a lot of it. He's carried into church and I bounce up and run into help.

"I need everyone out" Chibs tells me strictly.

"I have a medical degree. Let me help" I reply. Chibs and Juice share a look before Chibs nods and Juice leaves closing the door behind him. Chibs directs me on what to do as Bobby lies half conscious on the table.  Chibs takes a swig if the Jack Daniels before handing it to me to drink, then to Bobby and finally to the bullet wound on Bobbys shoulder.

It took hours to pull the bullet out and Bobby slipping in and out of consciousness wasn't helping. The cries he gave out are still in my ear. Bobby sat up after he was stitched up and looked at me. Chibs left without a word and I began cleaning the blood.

"I'm sorry about before" Bobby says.

"It's alright" I shrug lieing.

"No it's not. Look you're a nice girl but-"

"You don't want a serious relationship. It's alright I understand" I reassure him. He smiles and looks away.

"Maybe one day but not right now"

"No hard feelings. I mean we can always still be friends" I say although I don't want to be friends I want to be more.

"Yeah. Of course" Bobby says. I finish cleaning the blood and Bobby walks off. I begin to clean up the mess Chibs and I made. Juice walks in and sees me holding back tears.

"It's okay" Juice says embracing me in a hug. "Bobbys alright that's a scratch compared to him" Juice says referring to the wound although that wasn't what I was mist upset about. I hug Juice tightly resting my head on his shoulder as tears fall.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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