Please Notice My Heart [SEVENTEEN S.Coups/Choi Seungcheol]

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S.Coups was known as a "Handsome but Trouble-Maker" in your school because of his outrageous pranks and always skipping classes also getting low grades. You're the only nerd of your class but always been bullied by S.Coups. During break time, You saw him on the rooftop coincidentally with another girl having their own private session which it made you disgust. "Mustn't disturb him" you mumbled while walk slowly back to the classroom before he caught you peeking to them. Arriving at your classroom, You left him some extra lunch box for him under his desk before he will come back to the classroom. 

Once S.Coups came back to the classroom and went to his desk, He noticed a lunch box on his table. Instead of throwing it, He keep it inside his bag without noticing it. Your heart was suddenly skipped by his accepting the lunch box from you without knowing it. He always been bullied you but doesn't know that you really ignored his pranks to shut himself up for attention.


You're on your way home until you saw him along with another girl from your class but suddenly she slapped him hard on his cheeks which made you surprised as the girl walk away and leaving him standing alone. "I'M REALLY F**KING HATE YOU, S.COUPS!!" she yelled and walk away. You run towards him for help. "Are you okay?" you asked but he ignored your question and look away for a second. "I'm fine---- What are you doing here? It's none of your business to know it" he said and walk home pass by but you've start to worried him. "WAIT UP! Seungcheol-sshi" you called as he stopped walking and look at you with an irritate face. "what?!" he asked until you take out some band-aid and put it on his cheek where it suddenly bleeds. He was surprised by your sudden kindness as he stares at you. "Why are you trying to help me Y/N?" s.coups asked. "Because i'm your classmate" you answered while fixing your thick framed eyeglasses.  "But you and i are different-----". "It doesn't matter to me, Seungcheol-sshi. After all, I'm just your friend" you added before you walked home alone as S.Coups was standing still and look at your directions.

He was the one who saved you from the thieves who tried to steal your belongings since the day of first school. You really owed your life from saving to the bad guys and it was your turn to return the favor by taking care of him secretly. Lately, You tossed and turn the side of your bed while thinking  of him for the first time. It wasn't part of your night routine but it always stucks on your mind about s.coups. "What am i thinking over him?" you sighed while looking at the ceiling until drifted yourself to sleep. Meanwhile, He went to the club for party all night as many girls went to him for flirting and make out when he's drunk. He was still thinking the words you left for him. "What's wrong babe?" the girl asked but still ignored her question. He sighed and stood up since he wasn't on his mood for drinking and walk away straight home. On his way to his apartment, He walk pass by to a bag shop and saw a small pink ribbon backpack on the window that reminds the bag design of yours which made his heart skipping and rush to his apartment.

~Few Days Later~

He went inside the classroom along with his friends and girlfriends. As they're busy chit-chatting each other. He's still searching around the classroom but no presence of you didn't came and sigh. "Oh! S.Coups, What's wrong with you dude?" Vernon asked as few of his friends noticed his strange mood. "Uhm . . . Nothing" he said while mess his black hair. "Dude, You've really unwell since yesterday at the club. What happened to you?" Wonwoo asked. S.coups was pissed off and stood up then walk away to searching you. "Whoa! Looks like he's already pissed off by your questions" Mingyu said. "Nah~ Looks like he's not in his self today for some reason" Wonwoo said. "Maybe because of that Nerd Girl" Mingyu added which made the two of them look at Mingyu in surprise. "A~! She's not beautiful!" Wonwoo whined in disgust until Mingyu and Vernon nudge his stomach in sync. "Ow! What was that for!?" He whined in pain while holding his painful stomach. "Listen dude" Mingyu said. "We know that Y/N was the nerdy girl here in our class but be careful on what you've said" Vernon said. "She's our new Disciplinary President in our whole school despite her high grades during our semesters and she's excellent in doing plans for discipline. So, you've better watch out or else you'll be expelled by disciplinary by her" Mingyu added. As Wonwoo already shut his mouth as you came in the classroom. "Excuse me, Have you seen Seungcheol-sshi?" . Vernon blinked for a second while looking at your direction. "Ah~ S.Coups? He's in the library, Refreshing his mind" Mingyu answered as you mumbled "Thanks" before going out to find S.Coups.

~At The Library~

You went inside and luckily no librarian today since it was her day off and locked the door. You searched him around the bookshelves area until you found him sleeping with his earphone on. "Gosh, You'll be catching colds there" you said worriedly while cover him with a blanket to prevent cold but he quickly grab your wrist before you leave make you jump scares and sigh. "Please don't make me scared, Seungcheol" you said. "It really scares you right? . . . . *Sigh* But I'm really scared . . If you're not around the classroom" he said in soft tone that make your heart beating suddenly by his sudden confession. "W-What are you talking about, Seungcheol-sshi" . "Just call me S.Coups . . . I really want to hear your voice calling my name . . . . . I Really Want You To Be Mine So Badly" he said as his cheeks was getting red. You blushed by hearing his pleasure tone and look down. He slowly hold your hand and place it on his chest to hear his heartbeat. "S-Seungcheol-sshi--" you said nervously but he glared at you. "Drop that name or else I'll kiss you" he said in serious tone as you bit your lips not very hard. He pulled you closer to a warm embrace as your head placed onto his chest and finally heard his heart beating harshly. "Sorry Y/N, I really want you and I'm sorry if i bullied you from past years. I've really noticed your independent and kindness towards me. I really won't forget it. So please, Notice Me More With Your Smile" S.Coups said. You smiled and hugged him back which made him surprise and blush more. "It's fine after all, I'm your disciplinary president. You should pay respect me" you chuckled a bit. "Yes, Ms. Y/N" he said in lazy tone as you surprise kiss on his cheek. He was surprised by your kiss until he smiled and hugged you gently.

~That Afternoon~

You went out of the room from the meeting as a Disciplinary President until you saw S.Coups was waiting at the locker area while holding your backpack. "S.Coups, What are you doing here? I-I thought you hangout with your friends today?" you said while walk towards to his directions and take your backpack. "I decide to quit myself for being a troublemaker . . . Because of you" he smiled which made your heart beats faster. "I-I see" you look away a bit until he snatch your thick frame eyeglass and throw it on the trash bin. "S-S.Coups!?" . "It suits you well with this glasses" he said as he gave the rimless eyeglass to you. "W-Why?" you said while you take the eyeglass nervously and wear it on. "I've told you right? I Like you . . . I really want you to notice me . . Only me and no other guy who want to take you away from me" he confessed it with a smile and pat your head. You blushed a bit until a smiled formed on your lips as you take his hand. "I Like You Too, S.Coups" you answered as he finally happy to hear your feelings from you. He kissed the back of your hand and hold it gently. "Want to have a study at the cafe?" he asked as you agreed and walk together hand in hand to the cafeteria for your first study date.

=End of Please Notice My Heart=

[Song: Mansae - SEVENTEEN]


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