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A tale of two magical souls picking up from the point of Cursed Child completion.
Let it show that I own no character or multimedia image uploaded; characters belong to JK Rowling and any multimedia belo...
Scorpius gathered speed as he pushed his heavy-laden trolley into the solid-brick wall between platforms nine and ten. The previous times he'd done this, he'd close his eyes each time as if waiting for a monumental crash to happen involving the wall and himself, but this time he didn't. He kept his eyes wide open and looked determinately superior at the wall as though it was a nasty opponent he was fashionably besting. The sight of the wall soon vanished and was replaced with the gleam of a breath-taking scarlet train and an almost-packed-to-capacity platform.
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When Scorpius felt the hand on his shoulder give him a gentle squeeze, he looked up and into the anxious face of his father.
"It'll be better this year," Draco Malfoy promised his only child.
"I know," Scorpius interjected before more worry could make way onto his father's face. "I'll be okay, dad," he added with an astounding level of confidence that caused Draco to look questioningly down at his son.
They made their way to the train searching for an empty carriage. Draco helped Scorpius load his luggage into the compartment and passed him his cat carrier and a large bag which rattled with gold Galleons and silver Sickles.
"You don't have to give me so much, dad," Scorpius groaned but his father ignored this and pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. Scorpius resisted the instinct to yell 'ouch' and instead gripped his father fervently – an action which had somehow attracted the notice of every person within a 5-meter radius. When they broke apart people were still staring but the pair, being no strangers to stares and whispers, just smiled at each other and pretended not to notice instead of doing what they would have usually done; scurried onto the train out of people's sights and disapparated as soon as the compartment door was shut.
The summer had done them both a world of good. After the unforgettable antics of the previous year, time-travelling and almost resurrecting the Darkness notwithstanding, Draco had taken Scorpius on a summer-long holiday around Europe where they had spent every moment together. The trip proved to be both revealing and therapeutic. Scorpius opened up to his father as he had never done before and Draco had unambiguously shown his son the extent to which he loved him, wanting to leave no doubt in Scorpius' mind that he was proud to be his father. The dark cloud* which seemed to have hung over them since the death of Astoria appeared to be gradually thinning and the feeling of being a family was stronger than it ever had been, no matter how small that family was.
As Draco was giving Scorpius helpful tips to follow when trying out for Seeker, another family appeared next to them and more people stared – this time unabashedly with their mouths agape as Harry Potter shook hands with Draco Malfoy and Ginny Weasley placed a kiss on Scorpius' cheek. Albus Potter, whose hair was standing up in unruly directions, hugged his best friend before loading his trunk onto the train, his horned owl, Iris, hooting loudly in exchange to other hoots sounding around the platform.
The two boys, who had undoubtedly grown over the summer, hastened to board the train as the final whistle blew and stuck their heads out the window for a final wave goodbye. This was most unorthodox and Scorpius commented on it as they shut the compartment door closed.