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A tale of two magical souls picking up from the point of Cursed Child completion.
Let it show that I own no character or multimedia image uploaded; characters belong to JK Rowling and any multimedia belo...
Scorpius and Albus made their way down to Greenhouse 3 one chilly morning in late January. The ground was wet with the residue of melted snow which proposed both a health and dignity hazard; Polly Chapman had just a few minutes ago slipped as she was walking to Herbology, trying to hide her tear-stained face as she cradled a broken wrist.
"Will she be okay?" Scorpius asked as he trained his eyes on the ground beneath his feet. The last thing he needed was to go the same way Polly did.
"Sadly, yes. Madam Abbot really can work miracles, I'm afraid" Albus said in a grave voice as if he was delivering bad news to someone.
Scorpius laughed. "You really don't like her, do you?"
"Hate her, she's vile."
"She is," Scorpius agreed. "I still remember her trying to get me to take her to the Blood Ball." Scorpius shuddered at the memory of both Polly and Voldemort Day.
Albus laughed. "At least you had the chance of having a girlfriend back then," he teased Scorpius.
"Oh shove off," Scorpius said as he pushed Albus but then caught him real quick before he could slide. "I'd have you know, I overheard Tracy Hutch tell some girl that she thought I was something. I believe the words 'hot' and 'macho' were used." Scorpius sounded quite smug.
"Oh c'mon, Macho Malfoy," Albus interjected before Scorpius' head would visibly enlarge, "Let's get a move on before you inevitably slip and you become Mud-face Malfoy instead."
They entered the greenhouse and settled down to watch Professor Longbottom arrange pots of brightly coloured pink and blue flowers at each table before the remaining Gryffindors could arrive.
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"Wait a minute," Albus turned to Scorpius with confusion written all over his face. "Isn't Tracy Hutch that bint who vandalised your trunk on the train in second year?"
"Yes," Scorpius nodded. "I swear, it's all very weird. And speaking of girls who have gone a bit loopy lately, what's up with Rose?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, she's acting a bit odd." Scorpius leaned in closer because the Gryffindors had just entered.
"I told you she's trying to amend her past transgression of being a repulsive snob, didn't I?"
"Don't call her that!" Scorpius hit Albus hard on his arm with a copy of A Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi. "And I wasn't really talking about her treating us like we're human beings. She's acting completely out of character. Since when does she stutter when she talks? And since when is she so fidgety during conversations? You know, she doesn't look me in the eye anymore. I'm telling you; something isn't right."
Albus looked at Scorpius with a look akin to pained fury as he rubbed his arm, his expression switched to bafflement as he considered what Scorpius had just said and then turned to assessing. But before he could voice whatever he was thinking, Professor Longbottom called for everyone's attention.