The Savoir

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Emma's pov: I woke up and it all feels like a dream but I know it wasn't I remember every detail, I was a princess running away from home and then I met a pirate name Killian Jones and we fell in love and got married. But now where am I? I look out my apartment window I see the sign says New York. How did I get here did the Evil Queen sent me here? but where did she send my parents and Killian? Well today is my birthday 28 birthday too be exact so I take out a candle and light then blow it out. My wish was that I didn't have to be alone on my birthday. After I eat the cupcake I throw up in my bathroom am I sick? All of the sudden I hear knock at my door, I open and I see nothing but then I look down and see a kid. Could it be possible that's it's my kid? I ask him anyway. Who are You? I'm Henry and I'm your son. He says. He just barges in my door. Woe hey I don't have a son. I say lieing, 10 years ago did you give a up a baby for adoption? Yea? I say well that was me. We should get going. Where? I ask. Storybook Main. Says Henry. Maybe he can help me find Killian. Is that where Killian is ask? Who? Ask Henry. My Husband. Is he my dad? Henry asks. Uh no. Well if he was from the Enchanted Forest then ya he should be there. Okay then let's go kid. We head out and into my yellow bug. And before we know it we are in Storybook. Okay kid what's the address? 44 not telling you street.. I slam on the breaks and look for someone walking by and then I see a women and we both get out of the car. Hey um could you tell me where he lives? Oh um course just up the road and take a left the mayor is the biggest house on the block. Thank you. I look at her start feeling tears drip down my face, what's wrong Henry asks.. That's my greatgrandmother I say my voice slightly breaking. It's okay she will remember  you soon after you break the curse. Yea I say. Okay let's get you home. We drive up to the mayor's house and get out of the car please dont make me go back there Henry groans and all the sudden the door opens. And a women with aburn hair comes out. Henry! I was worried sick about you where did you go? And who's that women. I found my real mom! Henry yells. Your his birth mother? Yea I say akwardly, how would like to have the best apple cider you have a tasted? Or perhaps something stronger? Oh um I'm good with just water thanks. By the way I'm Zelena, I'm Emma.. So is there a father? She asks there was one but you don't need to worry about him he dose not even know. Do I need to worry about you Emma? No of course not. Well about me then i suppose. I mean am I strict I guess so but I don't think that makes me evil dose it? I think he's just saying that because of the fairy tail thing I say while acting like I don't know what I'm talking about. What fairy tail thing ? Zelena asks. Oh you know his book, and how he thinks we are all cartoon character from it. I'm sorry miss Swan but I really don't know what your talking about. You know what I think I over stayed my welcome I should get going I say. Okay well if you would like to stay there is granny's bed and breakfast just up the road. Thank you I say and head out of the door. I get into my car start the engine on my way to granny's until suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.. Oh wait I know this feeling throwing up in the morning oh no I'm pregnet pregnant with killian's baby and he probably dose not know who i am.

Still Emma's pov: All of the sudden I drive off the road because stomach hurts so bad and I hit the storybook sign. The next morning I wake up in hospital bed. Doctor! I call out no answer Doctor! I call out again and a man comes running in the room. Yes what's wrong. Oh that same British accent those ocean blue eyes. Killian? I say remembering I'm not thinking my head anymore. Yes? He says. How do you know my name. Oh um I uh you just look like someone I have met before. Why do you call me in here are you Okay? Um ya I just want to know is my baby okay? Yea your baby is fine love don't worry. Okay so am I free to go now then? Yes you are. As he left tears filled my eyes I start crying I cry in the pillow to make sure no heard me. I heard someone come in so I quickly wiped away my tears. And saw that it was Henry. Mom! Are you okay. He called me mom. Yea I'm fine I say I hear my voice breaking. No your not mom what's wrong? I saw  Killian I say tears streaming down my face. What happened Henry asks. When I looked in his eyes he didn't know who I was, I found him and lost him too. Now I really hear my voice breaking. It's okay he will know who you are again. We just need get him to fall in love with you. How kid? Idk yet but we will figure it out. We will call operation cobra.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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