The beginning

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Emma's Pov:

My name is Emma Swan, I'm the daughter of Snow White, and Prince charming. Which makes me a princess in the Enchanted Forest. I'm supposed be getting married within 3 months but I don't want to marry this Prince. Even if he is to be king, I heard his ruthless and selfish. So the next morning I get up real really before my parents wake up and I run away. I know its probably dumb but I don't care.

Killian's pov:
I finally got out of Pans control so now I can finally get my revenge on Rumplestilskin. Cp'n? I hear my first mate say to me. Yes Smee. Where are we going now sir. Back to the Enchanted Forest I say the bloody crocodile is there. And I finally get my revenge and avenge Milah's death.

Emma's pov:
I keep running and running until something catches my eye, a pirate ship. It keeps getting closer and closer I wonder if I should I run or stay there I decide to just by some barrels. I hear man speaking. He has deep voice kinda sexy. They have finally arrived at the docks and I get up from where I can see the pirate more closely I start to run but then he sees me. Crap.
Still Emma's pov:

"Hey you there" he says with a Irish accent I'm so sorry if I disturbed um... hook he says. Right I'm sorry I should get going. Wait! He stops me, why don't you come aboard my ship mlady. He holds his right hand and because his left he has a hook, so I take the hand that he gestures out to me.

Hook's pov:

After me and me crew set sailed at the docks I saw this beautiful girl with long wavy blonde hair, and Emerald green eyes. She is quite something. No say to my self supposed thinking about milah. And anvengeing her death. Hey you there I say to her. I am sorry for disturbing you umm... Hook I say quickly, she seems a little frightened. I'm sorry I should be going. Wait! I call out to her. Why don't you come aboard my ship mlady. I hold out my hand and she takes it, I lead up aboard my ship. Welcome to the Jolly Roger mdaly.

Emma's pov: You can just call me Emma Swan I say, with a slight smile. So what's your actually name captain because Hook sounds like a nickname to me. It's Killian Jones. He says with a smirk. So what are doing out here all alone Swan? Well I.. umm.. i finally got the words out, I'm running away. From what love? He asks, from my parents I say almost sounds like a mumble but he hears my words pretty clear. What happend if may ask? Says Killian. Uh.. I don't want to talk about it.
Wow I never noticed how beautiful the ocean is, I say changing the subject. Yes it is quite stunning isn't Swan? Would you like to see more of it? Ask Killian. How? I reply. Well we sail around the Enchanted Forest he says. That would be amazing Killian. I say with excitement.

Hook's pov: I asked Emma if she wanted to sail around the Enchanted Forest and she was very happy, it was quite adorable. I think I'm starting to like her alot, but what about Milah would she want me to move on? On the other hand I'm a pirate and she looks like she might be a princess so why in the bloody hell she like me. I quickly clear my thoughts and walk over to Swan.

Emma's pov: I wonder what Hook is thinking about, possibly me? No! Why would he, he's a pirate and I'm a princess that can never happen. Even though I wish It could I'm really starting to like him. I try to get the thought out of my head then suddenly see hook coming up to me. Swan? I hear him say, yes Killian? I need to ask you ask something and you can say yes or no but I hope you do say yes. What is it Killian? Swan would you like to stay here on my ship with me? I can teach you how to sail and sword fight if you want, he says with that smirk of his.
Of course I want to I would love to. Umm... I take a while to answer, I just look into he sexy ocean blue eyes. Y- Yes I would love to stay here with you I say with a slight smile. My first impulse is to kiss him, but I don't think it's the right timing.

The beginning  (captainswan)Where stories live. Discover now