Freak - abused for practice

72 24 42

Real quick update:

I'm happy right now cause:
- I haven't cut all day
- I had a fairly big amount of free time (which I used for sketching and working on the cover as well as two other pics) (I had around two hours)
- my mom's gone for the evening
- I'll be spending a great evening with my dad now (I like my dad cuz he's laid-back most of the time and rarely yells at me. I'm a daddy's kid. And he's really sweet when my mom's not around)
- I wasn't yelled at today
- I could laugh a lot today since I watched KuchenTV in my free time (he's a  german Youtuber ("KuchenTV" literally means "CakeTV" btw) that can make me laugh with his humor and I couldn't be on YouTube lately so I had a lot of new stuff to watch)
- I didn't have any physical problems today! (Thanks, body, I owe you one for not bothering me with exotropia, scoliosis and what not today)

I hope you had a great day like me! Really, I do hope so since I'd feel bad for being so happy if you weren't happy.

Anyways, onto the art:

Do whatever you want with it, I just felt like drawing this

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Do whatever you want with it, I just felt like drawing this. (If you haven't noticed, Freak ain't my fursone or anything. He's just my main OC and something I can identify with but he's not me)

Bye bye, gotta play Rommé (card game) with my dad. Hope you have fun! I won't be online till Sunday anymore, jsyk. I Hope to upload some pictures on Sunday for you but I can't promise anything. Depends on how much I can finish tonight and tomorrow morning.

Freak tried Art (3)Where stories live. Discover now