Halloween : 1

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Soon, the school day had came to an end.

Mark headed to his locker, eager to get his backpack so he and Jack could leave, or in better words, get the fuck out of there. His fiance stood beside of him, tapping his foot impatiently. He had crossed his arms over his chest, and his eyebrows were raised with agitation. He and Mark still weren't on good terms due to the heated argument they had suffered through earlier.

Mark put in his locker combination, pulling the metallic door open. "What the fuck?" He abruptly murmured to himself, pulling a taped note away from the inside of the locker.

For a moment, he thought it was from Jack. Then, he realized that he and Jack hadn't wrote each other sappy love letters since they had first developed feelings for one another during their freshman year. Nonetheless, he began to read, his eyes wide with surprise and curiosity.

"To my dearest Mark Edward Fishbach,

You don't know it yet, but this is your future girlfriend writing her very first letter to you. You're such a sweet, kind, good-hearted person. You've drawn me in. I can't help but fall more and more in love with you every time I see you. I hope somehow, someway, you and I become close. I would love to spend our first Halloween together. Unfortunately, I'm scared that you wouldn't accept me and my feelings for you. But, I think you and I would get along just fine.

- Your secret admirer"

Mark immediately dropped the letter, cringing out of disgust and slight fear. The letter seemed to be written by some creepy stalker, or someone obsessive. Alongside that, he didn't even talk to girls. The only girls he actually knew and liked were Mary and Minx, and he knew damn good and well that it couldn't have been one of them. The note was in no way cute or romantic. It was appalling. Jack had been standing behind him the entire time, reading.

Speaking of Jack, his face was suddenly very red and had wrinkled up angrily. He reached down, picking up the discarded letter and shredding it with both hands. He tossed the remains into the air, and confronted his fiance face-to-face. "Who the fuck is yer secret admirer, Mark?!" He spat out, balling up his fists out of rage. "Is she gonna have yer fuckin' baby too?!"

Mark frowned, becoming red-faced as well as he shook his head defensively. "God damn it, Jack. I don't know who wrote this! If I did, I would tell them to leave me the fuck alone because I already have everything I want."

"Jus' take me home." Jack demanded, a distraught, worried look stuck upon his flushed face. He gripped Mark's forearm roughly and started to drag him towards the front doors.

All they could ask themselves was: Could things get any worse?


After school, the large group of friends gathered around on their extended sofa as they typically did every evening. They were brainstorming about their plans for the night, but no one really had any good ideas.

"I have an idea! I know exactly what we can do!" Wade exclaimed loudly, entering the living area from the kitchen, where he had retrieved a piece of pizza. "The new haunted house and corn maze is open, and that new chick's dad owns it, so we can get in for free! I know it sounds stupid as fuck, but at least we'll have something to do, right?"

"Yeah, that seems like a good idea compared to everything else. Plus, it's almost Halloween. It only comes around once a year. So, I guess it sounds like a plan." Ken agreed, pulling his beaming girlfriend into his loving arms.

"Wait... What about Jack?" Cry randomly questioned, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly as he glanced towards the pregnant teenager that was currently relaxing on the loveseat with Mark. "What if he goes into labor? It might scare the baby out of him."

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