Chapter 3

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Yata Pov.

Its already last period, I thought to myself. Great now i have to hang out with the new kid geeze. I walked to my locker to get my stuff, but as soon as I opened it something came out. I picked it up realizing that it was a note.


      To: Misaki                                                                                                                                                                       Meet me outside by the front gate:)                                                                                                                                       Soruhiko Fushimi

I looked at the note and realized something, I really hate this kid right now. He has no right to call me Misaki, he is to call me Yata or keep that stupid ass mouth of his shut. I slammed my locker after grabbing everything and rushed out to the front gate. "What the fuck dude", as said pissed of he looked at me a smirked. "What""who the fuck do you thing you are calling me Misaki", he stared at me grinning.

"Wow", he exclaimed "what", I glared at him, "oh nothing, you ready to go". I looked at him with a frown on my face "where", I don't know i was thinking we could go to this cake shop down the road. I thought for a moment still pissed pissed off. "Well are you coming or not" he looked at me smirking. "Well i might fill better after eating cake" I whispered. I looked up at him, for some reason I feel drawn to him. I mean he's hot and all, WAIT WHAT DID I JUST CALL ANOTHER GUY HOT!!!!!!!!

I have no idea what i'm thinking I can't trust him, I don't trust anyone. Then yet again a feeling in my gut tells me to. I'm so stupid, I started laughing out loud. He stared at me, "whats so funny". I stopped and looked at him and smiled, "hey i'll take you up on that offer".

Soruhiko Pov.

"Really", I said excited, "ya, i'll never know if its fun if i never try". I swear his smile is adorable I don't think I could hold back anymore but i have to try. We started walking to the cake shop, I looked at him, for some reason he looked troubled. "Whats on your mind", he looked at me with surprise. "Oh its nothing" he gave me a fake smile trying to hide something. I just looked back up, for some reason I felt like he was still starring at me. I turned to look at him as soon as we made eye contact he turned away. Wait is he blushing, Awwwwww my lil angel is blushing how cute.

We walked up to the cake shop and went in we sat at a table in front of a window. I looked at him as he gazed out the window with a sad look in his eyes. "hey Misaki why don't you talk to anyone", he gazed out the window not bothered at the point when i called him Misaki. He seemed to hate being called that. "You wouldn't understand if I told you" he said sighing. "I might if you told me" he turned his head and looked at me. "I could tell you later if you don't get tired of me by the time we leave" he smirked. "Is that a bet" i said smiling back, "you bet ya". For a minute we kept starring at each other then busted out laughing.

"But I still don't think your going to last that long trust me""that's where your wrong I bet I could last all day""challenge accepted". After those last words the waiter came to our table. "What can I get you guys", I turned to look at Misaki that was looking out the window blushing.  Don't tell me he doesn't like talking to girls. "What do you want Misaki" I said making to where he doesn't know that i'm laughing. He gives me this death stare which right then and there i stop laughing. "Any of them will do" was all he said so i got us 2 chocolate covered pieces of cake.

As soon as they gave us the cakes I looked at Misaki. He took a bite of the cake, with the fork still in his mouth he looks at me. Then looks down with a sad look on his face, "thanks" was all I heard". "For what""everything""no its not a problem I actually wanted to hang out with you since I seen you in front of your house". "Okay", was all he said for the rest of the time we were there. We started walking out after we paid. 

It was dark outside on the way to our houses. We got in front of his house, as he walked up the porch he turned around. "Hey you coming you said you wanted to know why I didn't like hanging out with people". I smiled and started walking behind him, when we got in the house it was huge. We walked into the living room and I sat on the couch he started walking to what looked like the kitchen. "You want something to drink""sure""what do you want""doesn't matter". He came out with two drinks in his hand, he gave me one and sat down next to me.

"You sure you want to know why I don't talk to people" he said, "ya". "Well I don't trust anyone, I've never trusted anyone, I would always get picked on and told that I as a disgrace and that I shouldn't be alive. Ha how true that was then i was thrown out to make friends in order to go back, but I can't". Tears started to role down his face, he used his sleeve to wipe them away. "Then why did you hang out with me today""I don't know I felt like i could trust you, I don't know why though". He can't trust me, hahaha wow to think he actually trust me, he's got another thing coming.

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