Calum imagine (cute)

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You and Calum had been dating for two months when you got in a big fight over the phone since he was on tour.

The third day after the fight was the worst so far. You woke up and started crying instantly. You missed him so much. The way his hair always falls perfectly and how his eyes sparkle when he talks about something he loves. You just missed him so much, that the thought of never being with him again was unbearable.

After staring at the wall for an hour, you heard someone knocking on the door. The clock was eight in the morning and you weren't expecting any guests.

The knocking didn't stop so you decided to go downstairs and see who it was. As you got closer to the door, you heard sobs coming from the other side of the door.

When you opened the door, you saw a broken Calum standing in front of you. His eyes didn't sparkle anymore, and his hair was flat and messy.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry" he said. He started crying and you could see this wasn't the first time he had been crying today.

"Calum I..." You started but he cut you off before you could say anything more.

"Just listen ok? I've been miserable this past three days. I can't concentrate on the shows and I can't even sleep a whole night without waking up realising you're not there with me. I know I messed up, but I can't live without you y/n. You're my everything, I... I love you and I hope you can forgive me." He looked at you with his brown eyes witch was now filled with tears and sadness. You had never seen him like this before.

Without giving it a second thought you jumped in his arms and grinned like an idiot.

"I'm never letting you go again y/n, I love you" he whispered in your ear. You broke the hug and smashed his lips with yours.

"I love you too Calum" you answered while you were still kissing him. You felt him smiling through the kiss an you couldn't help but start giggling.

(Authors note: was this bad? Haha, it's my first imagine ever and I'm norwegian so my english isn't that good but I hope it was ok. If you have any tips on how I can write better, please tell me. My kik is: ma3105 if you want me to make an imagine for you:P )

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