Luke imagine (cute)

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You and Luke had been neighbours your entire life. He had never really noticed you. You had noticed him though. He'd been your crush as long as you could remember.

Everything about him made your smile a little wider, your laugh a little louder and your world a little better.

You'd never be a stalker though, you just admired him.

One day it all changed. 

It was a normal Saturday night, you were home watching an old movie by yourself since your parents were out of town. 

then you heard a knock on the door. Since you weren't expecting guests, you imediatly got suspicious. you walked to your front door anyway though. After slowly opening the door, you peeked outside. 

It was Luke standing on the other side of the door. 

Before you got the chance to speak, Luke did.

"Y/n, C-can I please stay at yours tonight. M-My parents are fighing and I-I don't want to go back there right now." He looked down and you could see a tear in the corner of his left eye. 

Without hesitation you pulled the door completly open and hugged him. He hugged you back instantly. 

After he had told you what happend at his house, you decided to watch a movie. You didn't really pay attention to the movie though. All you could think about was how surreal it felt to have Luke next to you. Things like this just didn't happen in real life. 

During the movie, you used your time to overthink every possible thing that could go wrong. You suddenly felt a warm hand on yours. You looked down and saw that Luke had put his hand over yours. He smiled shyly at you and intwined your fingers.

Your stomach exploded with butterflies instantly. This felt so unreal. 

When the movie ended, you both went to bed. You knew you woudn't be able to sleep, but you went to bed anyway.

About an hour after you went to bed, Luke stood in your doorway. Shirtless. 

"Can I sleep here?" he asked with a sleepy voice. 

"Sure, jump in" you answered and jumped a bit to the right. He smiled and layed down next to you. You suddenly felt a strong arm around your waist. once again, your heart fluttered. 

"goodnight y/n, I really like you" Luke said softy in your ear. He kissed your cheek and you turned around  so you could see his face. 

"Really?" you asked while your heart was almost jumping out of your chest. 

Then he kissed you. You had been dreaming of this for so long. His lips were so soft against yours. He pulled back and nodded his head. 

" I think I love you" he told you. 


(A/N: I hope you liked it. Sorry if there is any spelling errors. I still take requests btw! And I am working on a new fanfiction now aswell. I'll post the first chapters in a week or so. Thank you for reading!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2014 ⏰

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