Chapter Two · Moving in.

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sorry for the late update my loves. author's note at the end.





Chapter Two.


Isabelle Montgomery


"Hey over here!"

"Get your ass over here!"


My lord, my friends need to pipe the hell down. I was in line waiting to get that last slice of pizza they had out. I was going to get it! I couldn't wait to take a bite out of that cheesy hot goodness. My mouth was watering now just thinking about it.

Then the sound of a baby crying filled the cafeteria.

"What the hell?" I whispered.

Then I noticed that most people's attention were on me. What the hell where they looking at? Ruuuude!

"Hey! Will you please shut that thing up?!" A girls yelled from behind me.




I forgot about the stupid fake baby. I begged for Liam to take it but of course. he didn't. He ran from me before I could ask him again. So I was stuck with 'Liam Jr.' for the day.

I swear next time I see Liam..Liam Jr. and I will give him a piece of our mind. I sense a round-house kick to his face in the future.

I quickly yank 'my child' up and press my wrist to it's wrist. It instantly stopped crying. Thank you Jesus. I place the baby on my hip and bring my attention back to the food but of course the fucking last piece of pizza is gone! Gone. Screw everything. I think I'll skip lunch today.

I get out of the line and march up to our lunch table.

"Hey Izzy." Mason said. His eyes land on the baby and a smirk fills his face.

"Well well Isabelle. Congratulations! You hid the pregnancy well. So when's the baby shower? I'll make the diaper cake. Oh hey, we can play the 'Baby Food' game."

He instantly shut up when my fist collided with his arm.

"Mason now is definitely not the time! I'm in a really bad mood and I swear if you say anything else baby related I will tie you up to a chair and push you in my pool."

"Wow. Well isn't my wife feisty. I like it." A husky voice said by my side. Oh but I knew who that voice belonged to.

"What do you want Liam?"

"What? I can't sit with my wife and son and enjoy some lunch? Look what I brought you."

A slice of pizza was pushed in front of me. I'm pretty sure my eyes widdened on the delicious cheesyness. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if I was drooling.

I looked at Liam and gave him a small smile which he returned with one of his cocky smirks and my smile was replaced with a frown. Stupid player jerk! I was still taking the food though.

I rolled my eyes and roughly handed the baby to Liam.

"Your turn now. I'm eating. Oh and feel free to take him home also."

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