Yall bitches stay saying meek ugly yet he look better then yall ugly ass boyfriend / nigga with that sound cloud in his Instagram bio sounding like the planet of apes😒
Im bored so here we go 😂
its not confirmed and so what she been low key
you look like ya baby daddy need to give you more on child support so you can get ya hair fix 😭Crusty ass weave looking like you suck zick for 50cent😒
Yeah well atleast i hope so. 💕Bitch they the hotest cpuple out im just being honest
Shut up lovelyladymay you look like a blow up fish Aka the type with 4kids a van and white crackhead boyfriend
Twin Thursday😴
eddysaidtht shutup😂you one of them niggas that want Nicki but can never have her
Somebody else photo shopped it he didnt look at you trying start something now you take the L bug eye looking ass bitch