Chapter 1

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"Eliza look at this!" Eliza forced herself to open her eyes.
"Angelica,Why must you wake me up so early?"
"Sorry,dear" Angelica said,even though Eliza could tell it would be the fakest thing she would hear all day. "But just look".
Eliza forced herself to get up from  her bed,which now that she has been forced awake seems like the most comfortable thing in the world. "What is it?" Eliza asked. She was more curious now that she was fully awake. Angelica handed her a newspaper. Eliza read aloud "War hero Phillip Schuyler saves young patriot soldier who was captured by angry Tories."
"Angelica,you woke me up for this?" Eliza asked now annoyed towards her sister. "Father is in the newspaper all the time" Eliza said to Angelica "What is so special about this one?"
Angelica walked over to Eliza,took the paper from her,and sighed. " I don't know" Angelica stopped to think. "Nothing I guess" She playfully rolled her eyes laughing at herself "You know how I get with this stuff" Eliza did know. She knew her sister and she knew that Angelica will have a big reaction to anything big happening in the war especially if it had to do with her family.
" Believe me,I know " Eliza responded to Angelica playfully rolling her eyes like Angelica did before. "If you could join the war I think you would" Eliza said to Angelica,causing them to laugh.
"I'm afraid the closest thing I'll get to that is marrying a young,handsome patriot soldier." Angelica started to grin and Eliza's face tuned red because she knew the next thing Angelica was going to say. " So, Eliza have you found anyone yet?" Angelica asked while walking over to Eliza's bed and sitting down next to her.
"No." Eliza responded as quickly as she could.
"Have you thought about it yet?" Angelica started bushing out Eliza's hair.
"Angelica why don't we go see what Peggy's up too?" Eliza said trying to change the subject.
"Oh I'm sure Peggy is obsessing over something crazy just like she always does" Angelica said to Eliza. Angelica knew Eliza was uncomfortable with the conversation but that made her more interested. "Come On Father is waiting downstairs to take us on a family picnic, and you aren't even dressed yet" Angelica walked over to Eliza's closet and pulled out a nice blue dress "this should be fine.'' Angelica walked towards the door. "get dressed"She said before shutting the bedroom door. Eliza sighed and fell back on to her bed. She looked around at her bedroom,which she also shared with her sisters. Peggy's side of the room was small because she was the youngest. Eliza was in the middle. She had a bed with a light blue canopy over it .Angelica's bed was right next to Eliza's. Overall it was a pretty big room.Eliza started thinking about what Angelica had said before. Maybe she should start thinking about marrying someone,She was the second oldest. Then she thought Angelica would be the first to marry and she wouldn't have to worry about it for a long time. Eliza sat up and decided to get dressed.
When she was done she went downstairs to find Angelica sitting on the couch probably reading some kind of article about the war. Peggy was in the kitchen packing a picnic basket. "Where is father?"Eliza asked looking around the room.
''He went out to get the carriage ready." Angelica said not even looking up for her paper. Peggy took a bite out of an apple.
     Eliza walked over to Peggy "Now Peggy don't spoil your lunch" Eliza said,and took the apple from Peggy.
        "Okay fine." Peggy said crossing her arms.
       "Don't be upset Peggy,we are going to the park" Eliza knew this would cheer Peggy up. Peggy loved the park she loved climbing trees and rolling down hills. Angelica and Eliza always had to remind Peggy that it was not ladylike and not to get her dress dirty.
        "Yay!" Peggy said now excited. "Angelica do you know where in the park we are going? Eliza hoped they were going near the waterfall.
"I have no idea" Angelica said,finally looking up from her paper.
"When's Daddy coming inside?" Peggy asked. Angelica got up from her seat and walked over to Peggy.
"I'm sure he'll be in soon" Angelica told Peggy.Angelica sat down and started braiding Peggy's hair. "When did you get up?" Angelica asked Peggy trying to get her to think of something else so she would stop asking questions,but Angelica knew Peggy would never stop asking questions.
"I don't know" Peggy said now moving to have a seat next to Eliza. "Eliza,when did you get up?"
"Not too long ago" Eliza responded glaring at Angelica.
Angelica laughed. "I already apologized" Angelica said.
Peggy was pretty sure she knew what happened. "Oh,was daddy in the newspaper again?" She asked.
"Yes" Eliza said rolling he eyes.
"Angelica,why do you care so much about all this war stuff?" Peggy asked.
Angelica stood up. "Enough about me" Angelica said. "Let's just patiently wait for father to come in."
"I'm sorry that took so long" Phillip Schuyler entered the kitchen "One of the horses was feeling sick so we had to take him to the stalls to rest"
"It's okay" Angelica said. Everyone started walking outside to the carriage.  

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