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"You have to get me that recipe!"

Erik furrowed his eyebrows, holding the half-eaten cupcake in his hand. "I thought I told you it was mine," he lamented, earning from Alex a nervous chuckle in reply. "It looked so good!" She stressed.

Taking a nibble of the cupcake, Erik coolly nodded, "it is, isn't it?" Alex nodded furiously, feeling the excitement building up. "So you're getting the recipe for me?"

The older Durm laughed scornfully, "no," he answered. Alex sulked, watching as Erik took a huge bite, "why not?"

"Firstly," Erik began, "he said it's a family secret recipe or something like that, so I don't think he'd give it to you just like that." He stuffed the last of the cupcake in his mouth before continuing. "Second, I am not helping you fulfill your selfish needs."

Alex crossed her arms over her torso in disapproval. "This isn't a selfish need, Erik. I'm just trying to help the bakery, since I now sort of co-own it," she pointed out matter-of-factly.

"I'm sure Mom will be happy to hear that," Erik commented as he set two mugs on the counter between them. "Mom would be elated to hear I own a successful, forward-driven and widely-held bakery; once I get a hold of that recipe."

Erik eyed her inquisitively, before letting out an amused chuckle. "Look if you want it so bad you should get it yourself," he said as he filled the mugs with tea.

"But I don't even know him!" She exclaimed, her eyes following Erik as he ambled out of the kitchen. "Why not make friends with him," he suggested casually.

Alex thought for a moment as she clutched the warm mug between her hands. As she watched Erik saunter over to his couch, an idea suddenly ensued. "Can I watch you train tomorrow?"

Erik looked up, raising his eyebrows knowingly. Alex beamed back at him, "can't I watch my favourite brother train?"

"I'm your only brother," he muttered nonchalantly, "and fine, I always give in to you anyway."

She smiled in triumph as she eased off the stool. "Great," Alex clapped her hands excitedly, giving his hair a quick ruffle before heading for the door. "Where are you off to?" He asked.

"The bakery," she grinned. Erik frowned, confused, "I thought it wasn't available today." Alex made a face, pretending to think, "well it was made available two seconds ago." She laughed as she gave her brother a small wave, "see you!"

Erik watched as she disappeared before chuckling to himself. Such a joker.


The ball was being juggled between Felix's feet as Christian watched on. They were early for training, and idling around the field waiting for the rest to show up.

The sound of Erik's voice caused the both of them to spin around. Erik was ambling over to the field; but he wasn't alone. "Hey, it's Erik's sister," Felix pointed out, to which Christian nodded in reply.

"I can see that," he said, his eyes lingering on her a little longer than usual. Felix glanced at him, noticing how smitten he seemed. "Hey," he nudged his friend, "you like her don't you?"

Christian furrowed his eyebrows at him. "Give me the ball," he reached out to steal the ball from him, completely evading the question. It was Felix's turn to frown this time, "I'm your best friend and house mate, I know you."

"Then you should know the answer to that question," Christian raised his eyebrows at him. Felix crossed his arms over his chest. But before he could speak, something made him pause. Christian watched as he mumbled something softly.

"What?" Christian asked, leaning closer. Felix shot him a death glare before grabbing his shoulders and spinning him around. "Hi," Alex greeted them, a warm smile etched across her face.

It took a moment for Christian to gather his senses back together. It was only when Felix nudged him hard did Christian return the smile. "Christian, right?" She queried, narrowing her eyes.

Christian nodded, "the one and only." Alex found herself smirking at him. "So how's training going?" She asked, straining her head to survey the field.

"We haven't started yet, actually," he said, chuckling nervously. But Alex seemed almost oblivious to his tenseness. "Right," Alex laughed, "of course."

"Hey I tasted Erik's cupcake you made and it was amazing," she breathed, holding her hands in front of her in absolute awe. Christian took a while to register what she was saying. Did she just compliment me?

"Thanks," he found himself beaming, "my grandma's secret recipes are always golden." At that, Alex chuckled softly, "trade secret, huh?" Christian nodded proudly in response.

Alex watched him, and she found herself smiling as well. "You know, Bake The Cake's having a bake sale this weekend," she began, her eyes twinkling, "want to come?"

Christian's eyes widened in surprise. "Sure," he blurted out without thinking. Alex grinned, giving his shoulder a quick pat, "great, I'll see you then."

He watched her go, and despite keeping a straight face, he was internally screaming from excitement. The girl he was crushing on had just invited him out (kind of), and he couldn't be more contented.

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