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"Haha! Confetti! I love confetti!" Melissa laughed, grinning under her mask, and doing a little twirl under the rain of bright paper scattering around her.
"You know we have a job to do."
"I have a job to do" Melissa whispered discreetly into a small microphone, hidden in the mask. "Anyway, it's a party, I'm trying to fit in alright?"
"Of course you are" a deep sigh emitted from the receiver.
"Hey! Might as well enjoy myself!"
"You're here to kill someone, Melissa."
"Do you think I could do that drunk?"
"Focus, for gods sake." The man on the other end of sounded completely defeated.
"Fine." She muttered, sighing.

She made her way through crowds, her long cape flowing behind her... That had to be a tripping hazard. 'Well, if you're gonna pretend to be a pretentious idiot, better do it in style.' She thought, grinning. She assessed her surroundings, before scowling, and swearing under her breath. A Joymaker span his music box in the corner. Damn it.

Joymakers lowered her certain... abilities, that would make the job harder. Mind you, they could have brought in Peacekeepers, and those would have made it near impossible.
"Hey, Gordon, if I were to snap someone's neck in front of, uhhh..." She scanned the room. "Say, 100 people, what would happen?"
"You know full well that would happen."
"Cue the chase scene?"
"If you get killed I can't bring you back."
"You brought back a hamster!"
"I actually cared about the hamster."
"Savage." She muttered, grinning. "Alright, no neck snapping for now. Got it."

*A/N* would you guys like me to continue this story, or should stick to horror? If you like this, or think it'll be a fun thing to continue, please let me know!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2016 ⏰

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