Interacting with the baby

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" make me happy when skys are grey, you'll never know dear how much I love you,  so please dont take my sunshine away" Harry sang waiting for a reaction, he's been wanting to interact with the baby as soon as he found out the baby could hear the outside from inside. Harry had also found out that singing nursery rhymes could make the baby react and also when it was born and crying could make the baby calm down because it feels comfort like it did in the womb..  Harry did a lot of research

"no sorry babe" you said

"udhdnnfjfn Fuc..lets try again" Harry moaned
"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are, up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky, twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are"

You felt a little sharp kick in your abdomen

"Harry" you gasped and his hands flew to your stomach and his eyes lit up

"and you said it wouldn't work" he grinned


"WOOO GO LOUIS" you yelled

You were stood on the side lines of a football match wrapped up nice and warm watching Louis play and he was doing really well he had scored once.

At the end of them game Louis didnt even go to get a drink he came running over to you and you waddled over to him

"hey baby" Louis said kissing you but you pushed him away

"sweaty yucky!" you laughed

"if we have a boy then you will have to get used to it" louis said

Louis crouched down to your belly

"your gunna be a footballer aint yah?" he asked

You felt a two sharp kicks on from the left the other from the right making you groan

"someone agrees with you" you panted

"good" Louis laughed

"getting the practise in early I see" you gasped at the load of kicks raining on your belly


You looked at the clock, Liam had said he would be back at 6pm sharp and it was now 6:30pm. You bit your lip flicking through the channels on the tv when you stopped when the door opened

"baby im home" Liam called

"in here" you yelled back

Liam walked in carrying a bag

"bath now" he said picking you up

"how are you carrying me I weigh a ton" you giggled but Liam didnt reply and didnt speak the whole time that you were in the bath. Liam carried you down stairs and grabbed the bag he brought in with him

"I read online that massaging the bump is good" Liam blushed

You nodded your head as he put some oil onto hands and rubbed it onto your belly. Liam spent around 1 hour making shapes on your belly and finally he made a smiley face shape, shouting smile he took a picture and around 2 seconds after he took the pictures the baby kicked

"Li I dont think the babys happy that she cant smile for you to see" you giggled

"not long baby" Liam whispered to your bump


"its not cold I promise" Zayn said taking your hand

You had read online that swimming while pregnant was good for the baby and you had suggested it to Zayn and the next time he was free was new.

You dipped your toe into the water to find lut it was pretty warm actually so using the steps you climbed in making you groan as your bodys aches slipped away.

"that feel better princess?" Zayn asked

You just nodded your head moving close to Zayn. Zayn wrapped his hands around you looked at your huge belly and his eyes flickered up to your breasts that had been enlarged by the pregnacy. You hit Zayns arm playfully and then he started to spin you around in the water.  You and Zayn spent over 4 hours in the water having fun and spinning round and dancing in the water, the baby seemed to agree too because she didn't stop kicking!


"I love you" Niall said to me

Niall had been very lovey dovey was strange but you liked it, it was like when you had first met.. well when you got really close and when he picked up the courage to say he loved you and you said it back he couldn't stop, not that he doesnt ever say it any more its just not every single say

"I love you too" you said back

Niall gave you a kiss then you felt a sharp kick

"someone feels excluded" you giggle so Niall lowers himself down to your belly

"of course I love you too baby" he said giving your big stomach a kiss.

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