Crowning (labour part 4)

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You puffed away on the gas and air making you feel a bit light headed and dizzy but the pains kept coming, worse and closer together, your body was telling you it was nearly time but you held of telling Harry because you felt you could stop the labour process or make it slower, but of course you couldn't, as another pain tightened round your stomach you could feel what only could be explained as a lump in between your legs. You screamed in fear not knowing what the feeling was. Harry rushed to your side and midwives hearing your screams ran into the room. After getting you onto the bed the nurse checked you out. Looking up she looked you straight in the eyes

"time to have a baby" she smiled and Harry squeezed you shoulder that he had been holding onto.


The epidural had started to wear off, you started to get feeling which meant the pains came back, this time 100 times worse because you hadn't felt them in so long. Moaning you asked Louis to get the midwife, nodding his head he left the room quickly but was also quick to return with a midwife on his heals

"whats wrong me love?" she asked, she was Irish and it made you think about boys and it made you giggle for a short second

"the pain" you wheezed as one hit

"lets have a little look ay?" she smiled

You brought your legs up and she pulled away the hospital gown you had been put in

"You can't have another epidural hun" she said

"what why????" Louis exclaimed clearly not liking you in pain

"she's crowing love, these twins are going to be out in a jiffy" she smiled calling another nurse in


You stood up and walked round the room with the assistance of Liam, the pains were getting sharper and quicker together meaning you had to stop alot. After about 2 hours after the last time the midwife checked down there she came back im. The midwife was a kind person named Shelly...she was a bit nuts but nice. You climbed onto the bed Liam helping you up, spreading your legs Shelly lowered her head, you felt cold hands making you jump

"this is strange for a first birth" Shelly mumbled

"what is?" Liam said worridely

"your 10 centimetres love, your going to have this baby in the next 10 minutes hopefully" Shelly smirked getting the assistance of another midwife


Zayn had spent over an hour with you in the pool and to be quite honest even with him there you were bored, as you were just about to request to get out a midwife came to check your progress.

"Alright (y/n) how yah feeling?" she asked

"Hm, the waters making the pains a bit better" you said

"but?" she asked laughing

"im bored" you winged and Zayn and the midwife whose name was Holly just laughed

"lets check you then if you like you can get out" she smiled

You nodded and her hand plunged into the warm water surrounding you

There was a few different looks running through her eyes before she finally spoke

"looks like your body wants this baby" she grinned

Zayn realising what she said was out the water as quick as a flash and wrapping a towel round him

"Thanks Zayn" you laughed

"I don't wanna be in the pool for that bit" he grinned shrugging


Since Niall had come back he had been so attentive asking if you were ok.... so many timss you felt like it was replying over and over again In your head, but it showed be cared. Niall continously rubbed soothing circles on your back when the pain increased. It was becoming a joke, you had been waiting for this baby for over 16 hours and you really santed to go home. The last time the midwife checked was around an hour ago and you were 5 centimetres which meant you had another 5 to go before you could even start pushing. The midwife waltzed back into the room with a smile on her face, seeing your frown made it melt away

"in pain love?" she asked worried

You nodded and she was by your side and her and Niall helped you onto the bed

If you haven't progressed atleast one centimetre then you can have an epidural ok hun?" she said smiling reassuringly

You nodded then felt her poking around

"well hunny, this baby wants to see his mummy and daddy, your ready to push" she smiled

You dreaded pushing this baby out put got comfortable as the midwife set up.

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