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{ Jungkook doesn't know what to buy his boyfriend Taehyung for his bday }
As he walked through the street, he looked at his reflection in the glass of a bakery shop.
Taehyung his birthday is tomorrow and Jungkook has no clue about what he would like as a gift.
He asked him millions of times, but Taehyung said he doesn't need anything.
He entered a cake shop, and started looking around for the perfect cake.
But all these cakes weren't good enough for his precious TaeTae.
Jungkook sighed.
"Excuse me sir, are you looking for a cake?" A voice behind him spoke. Jungkook turned around and responded.
"Well yes, I'm looking for THE perfect cake for a special person"
"Then I know what you're looking for" The person walked to the back of the shop and grabbed something from a table.
"Is this what you're looking for?"
Jungkook looked at the cake. It was baby blue and it was decorated with different kinds of candy.
"You can put a the name of the person on the cake" the other said.
"It is perfect" Jungkook was relieved. At least he got a cake.
He wrote Taehyung's name on the cake in white and paid the man behind the counter. "Goodbye, have a nice day" "same to you"
He walked out of the shop and wondered what to buy next.
He walked to a bench and sat on it. Thinking about what to buy.
Then he suddenly remembered. Taehyung loves scents. It sounds weird but the house they live in always smelled really nice. It didn't matter which season it was. It always smelled like vanilla, pumpkin, flowers, cinnamon, fruits or other things.
Since it was already five o'clock. He ran towards the shop where they sell scented candles. He entered the shop and it smelled like vanilla.
He walked to the candles and picked the perfect ones. He picked cherry, chocolate, vanilla and a limited edition one called "in the name of love". It reminded him of Tae so he took it to the cashier. He paid for the candles and left the shop to go home.

{ next day }
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAE" Jungkook screamed while waking up his precious boyfriend. "COME ONE WAKE UP" "I GOT YOU PRESENTS" but Tae just kept sleeping. Jungkook though this was cute, but he was more excited to celebrate his boyfriend's birthday. "If you don't wake up now, I'm gonna kiss youuuu" Jungkook teased. Little did he know, Taehyung was already awake for awhile now but thought his boyfriend was just too cute and kept enjoying the moment. "Well you leave me with no other choose" Jungkook smirked and leaned closer to Taehyung's face. He captured his boyfriend's lips and ran his softly on Tae's. He felt that spark again, he always felt and was happy to be still with Tae after 5 years. Taehyung let out a moaning sound. Jungkook turned away. "I KNEW YOU WERE AWAKE, YOU DIRTLY LITTLE SHIT HAPPY BIRTHDAY" he grinned.
"I thought I told you not to buy any presents" Taehyung said as he saw Jungkook grabbing the presents from his nightstand. "But you're my boyfriend, you deserve the best and you only turn 24 ones" Jungkook said. Kookie pecked Tae's lips one more time before grabbing the cake. "Happy 24th bday Tae" he smiled and gave the cake to his boyfriend. Taehyung smiled happily and looked at the cake. It was a beautiful baby blue with candy and top of it and his name written on it. "It's perfect, thank you Kookie" he said before he pecked his boyfriend's lips.
"NEXT PRESENT" Jungkook half screamed and gave the scented candles to Taehyung. Taehyung grinned. He loved scented candles. "Thank you Kookie, I love them". "I also bought a limited edition one" Jungkook smiled happily and gave the other candle. Taehyung smelled the candle and words can't describe how much he loves this scent, it was a mix between roses. fruits and other flowers. He read the title 'in the name of love'. Jungkook watched amused. But got worried ones he sees a tear rolling on Taehyung's cheek. "Are you okay Tae?". Taehyung smiled. "Yes Jungkook I'm more than okay, I'm so happy I met you five years ago and to spend my 24th birthday with you. I love you so much". He leaned closer to Jungkook and kissed his cheek first and then his lips. "Thank you for the presents, I love them". Jungkook smiled. "I love you too hyung".

First oneshot YAY.
This is trash I know, but I'll get better in writing (I think).
But I hope you enjoyed reading this :)

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