Chapter Twenty Three

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Asma's POV.

"Yes every mans dream might be to be his wifes first, but that doesn't mean that my dream isn't coming true, I am still your first, Inshallah , your first husband, love plus many more and that is all I can ask for"

Those words that Mansour said to me repeatedly played itself in my head.

"Father I have some news for you?" I would say as I came running into the living room, I grabbed hold of my fathers hands.

"What is it my sweet sweet child" my father would say as he stands up to look at me while he spins me around as if we were dancing.

"Mansour is on his way to ask for my hand in marriage" a big smile makes its way onto my face, as I look up at my fathers face I see that he is mirroring my action to.

"Mashallah I've always loved Mansour, so from now I will say this to you congratulation" 

I quickly shake my head as I get back to reality, Mansours words weren't the only thing repeatedly playing in my head. I was also thinking of ways to tell my father of the big news.

Looking up at he time I realise that I only have one more hour before I get to finally go home and tell my father everything, and inshallah he takes it well and becomes as happy as I am.

"Asma come follow me to my office" looking up I find my boss Mrs Jolene making her way towards her office. I quickly get up and start to follow her.

"I sent the letters that you asked me to send to the board, but I still didn't receive any respond from them" I say as I finally caught up to her.

"That's fine we can give them until tomorrow to see what they say, but I am calling you because I need you for something else" Mrs Jolene says as she opens the door to her office and leads me in.

"This is Mr Jackson Andrew, he is new here and I just need you to show him around his new workplace" turning around to face the chair I see a young man staring at me with a big smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you" I tilted my head slightly downwards as I say.

"And Mr Andrew this is Miss Asma Abdallah," Jolene says as she walks around to make her way to her seat.

"Call me Jackson...and nice to meet you miss Abdallah" he nods his head as he turns back around to face Jolene.

"Okay Asma I'll let you show him around as I get back to work, if you have any questions Mr Andrew please don't hesitate to ask" Jolene says as she looks down at her papers.

Jackson stands up from his chair as he turns around to look at me, he still had that bright smile on his face, Mashallah he must be so happy to get this job.

"Follow me Mr Andrew" I say as I start to make my way out of the office.

"Call me Jackson" he says when he finally makes his way towards me.

"Okay Jackson, lets first start with the kitchen since it's the closest here" I start to walk to the direction of the kitchen.

It took me about approximately forty minute to show him around and introduce him to some of the workers in the company that he might need to communicate with in a day to day basis, because the next time I looked at the clock I had less then fifteen minutes before I can finally leave.

"It's either you hate this job or something really excited is happening after work, however by the looks of it it looks to be more of the second one then the first" Jackson says as we quietly make our way into my office.

"Why would you say that?" I say as I start to make my way to my desk to pack up.

"Well for starters you couldn't stop staring at the time throughout the whole tour and secondly your packing your stuff when you still have about approximately ten minutes" I stop packing as I look up to see him staring at me.

"You are right I do have something I must do after work that's why I unintentionally look at the time" I carried on packing my stuff once I finished speaking.

"Which is?" I heard curiosity in his voice, which made me laugh.

"Secret" I poke my tongue out as I make my way towards the door.

"Okay let's go" from then me and Jackson walked in silence, until we made our way outside of the building, when we were finally outside I stopped and faced him.

"Well then I'll be seeing you tomorrow early in the morning, don't be late because Mrs Jolene hates those who are late" we both started to laugh as I said the the last couple of words.

"Don't worry I'll be here nice and early, and also have fun with whatever you plan on doing today" we're Jacksons last words before he turned around and started walking.

Turning around I walked towards my car, I don't like to park far away from the building since me and walking don't seem to get along together.

As I got into the car and started it, all I could think about was my fathers reaction to what I was going to say, I don't know why I was so nervous to the point I felt my hands become sweaty since father always wanted me to be happy and get married.

To Hashim that is.

A little voice in my head repeatedly started to say as I quickly made my way home. When I finally saw my house in the distance I started to take steady breaths to calm me down.

When I finally got in front of my house, I shook any thought from my head that was negative. I stopped my car as I took my bag and made my way towards the house.

Walking into my house everything was silent and dark, I still haven't got use to coming home to this, I always walk in and unintentionally take a deep breath hoping that I would still smell mums cooking.

"Father i'm home" I say once I close the door behind me.

"I'm in the living room Hayati" I hear my father say, as I slowly make my way towards his voice.

I must tell him now.

I was repeatedly chanting in my head, since I knew that if I didn't tell him now I was going to lose my confidence and leave it for another day.

"Salam Habibty how was work" my father says once I was in his view, walking up to him I give him a big strong hug since I haven't seen him from the morning.

"I'm fine Alhamdullilah" I say once I released him, I stood their staring at him as I contemplated if I should tell him or not.
I must have freaked him out just staring at him because he quickly asks me if I was okay.

"Father their is something I want to tell you" I say as I nod my head to answer his question.

A/N: how do you think Asma's father is going to take the news of her and Mansour wanting to get married?

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