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"Once upon a time there was a very pretty, happy princess ...."
She smacked the book close. This nonses was a huge pain in the eye. She was sitting on the steps of a stairway in the middle of the woods. She supposed there once must have been a house here but that only the stairs were to remain of that.
It was raining heavy but she didn't care, in fact she enjoyed the rain, the sound of it hitting the green leafes of the trees.

She threw the fairytale book on the ground, it landed and showed a picture of a happy ending were the prince was kissing his beloved princess.
She glared at the picture, barely keeping herself from hissing at the picture.
She turned her head and looked into the deep calming forest.
She would never have such a happy ending. She would never have the joy the get old together with the one she loved. She knew that and she had arranged herself with it but it still hurt. She wrapped her arms around herself and looked into the deep woods, the rain was playing its song.
She took a deep breathe and loosend the grip around herself. Her eyes were dreamy a gray like upcoming storm clouds. Her hair was a bit longer than shoulder long and a goldish brown, it had some decent curls here and there. Her body was slim yet strong.
She rose. It wouldn't help complaining. She took a step into the woods. She knew how to get out of this deep forest and that was what mattered. 

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