Chapter 5.2 : Whatever He Wants

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"I know what you're about to ask me," Jade said, "and the answer is, no. I didn't know about his plans before he editorial meeting."

Lizzy's expression was grim as she shut the door of Jade's office. She had been so angry she almost stormed out of the conference room. She didn't even bother correcting him the third time he misspoke her name.

She sank down on the couch. Through the glass, she could see people staring. The editor-in-chief's door was almost never closed. "What are we going to do?" she said.

"There's very little we can do, Liz." Jade sat down behind her desk. "He owns the magazine, he can do whatever he wants."

"Oh come on. Darcy doesn't know the first thing about how the magazine industry works. We can run circles around him if we want to."

"Don't underestimate your enemy. I believe Sun Tzu said that. Besides, Asher seems quite determined. And he's a smart man. More important, he's done his homework. Although ..." She knitted her brows thoughtfully.

"What is it?"

"I don't think he's trying to lay down the law, just giving us an opening bid."

"What, like a negotiation?"

"Yes. He wants us to come up with a counter offer. We'll accede to some of his ideas, then see if he budges."

"I'm not butchering my copy just so some attention-deficient teenager will want to read my opinion on Jafar Panahi's new documentary, Jade."

"Well, you and I better come up with a good counter offer then." Jade grinned. "You know, things could be worse. Other newspapers have been bought by individuals who don't actually give a damn about anything other than profit."

Lizzy snorted. "You really believe that crap about respect for us and the magazine?"

"I do, yes. I see it in his eyes." Jade inclined her head. "Didn't you say I have a knack for reading people?"

"Then you would have noticed he was practically drooling over you. There was something in his eyes, all right, but I wouldn't exactly call it respect."

"Oh yes, that. I suppose his reputation is well-earned."

Of course it took more than a man's naked admiration to throw Jade off her game. When you get stared at every day of your life, you learn to deal with it.

"You could still be wrong about him, you know."

"There is that possibility, yes."

"I can't do it Jade. I love this magazine. I'm not sticking around and wait for Asher Darcy to ruin it."


"I quit."

"No you're not," Jade said.

Lizzy crossed her arms. "Yes I am," she said. "I don't see the point of staying on here if we're just hurtling toward self-destruction."

Jade sighed. "You really think I'd let that happen?"

"You weren't exactly discouraging him, Jade."

"Sometimes being confrontational isn't the best approach to a problem."

"Is that from Sun Tsu too?"

"I have no idea." Jade frowned. "It's been a while since I read the book. Anyway, just trust me. I know what I'm doing."

"I don't know."

"Lizzy, you're not quitting. Where would you go?"

"If your must know, Gloss has a standing offer for me." Like their magazine, Gloss covered topics of culture, including film and television criticism, albeit with an unapologetic feminist bent. She knew she'd be completely at home there.

"But you'll have to move to New York. I know you'd hate that."

"I love New York."

"We all love New York. But you're not giving up your apartment to move across the country."

Jade was right, of course. Moving to the East coast meant starting over again. She'd have to find new friends. She'd probably have to rent a tiny apartment she could barely afford.

"Fine. You got me." Lizzy threw her hands up. "But promise me we're not letting Mr. Moneybags destroy all the work we've put into the magazine these past five years."

"I have you on my side, won't I? Asher seems to be an intelligent, reasonable man. We'll be okay."

Lizzy shook her head. "You have too much faith in people."

"And you're the most cynical person I know." Jade laughed. "The two of us can handle Asher. Trust me."


Collin was late.

At twenty past seven, Lizzy opened her front door to find him grinning lazily at her. He looked completely unapologetic as he took her hand and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Collin," she said, her tone stern. Even as she scowled up at him, she was aware of the hardness of his chest under the white fabric of his plain white tee shirt. She could smell the freshly showered scent of bath soap and aftershave.

"I know," he murmured. His lips moved from her mouth to brush her cheek. "I'm sorry, babe. Shoot ran a little long today. Miss me?"

"Not particularly." Her voice shook a little, belying her feigned nonchalance.

His hands grasped her waist. His right thumb slipped under the hem of her shirt to rub the skin of her stomach, making her catch her breath.

"Liar," he teased. He nipped her earlobe with his teeth. "You wanna skip dinner and go to bed?" As if to convince her further, he pulled her more tightly against him. The rapidly hardening bulge in the front of his crotch was unmistakeable.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Thanks to everyone who liked this chapter! On October 4, I'll be publishing Chapter 6 "Collin" — hope you're looking forward to it!

If you'd like to read more, chapters 1-7 are on the Radish app. Info here:

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