3# The memories that I wanted to forget

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Fluttershys P.E.V.

"YAY!" I scream kinda loud. Rainbowdash won! Im so proud of her! When se gets the gold medal I fly down to her, and for once I dont care about all the ponys lookin at me. I just fly, and I just love, Rainbo..ehm no I mean I just love ehm that she won! She looks over at me, and I smile, like I have never smiled before. She flys to me and we hug eachother. It only lasted for some seconds, but for me it felt like hours. Like days. Like years... When shes about to let go I hug her even tighter, even if my brain dident want to, it seems like my body wanted it.. I can see that she first looks confused, but then, when she thinks I dont see her face, her body relaxes and shes closing her eyes. I see that around us everypony is leaving, somepony comes and says "Great job" to Dash, but it seems that she dosent notice, like shes thinking about something. I look at her, I love her thinking face, but then she sees that Im looking at her, and she starts to blush. Rainbow! Blushing?? Wow, I have never seen her blush..And then, that "creepy" thing happensd agien..my body is taking over. I gently kiss Rainbow on the LIPS. I start blushing, and its not like blushing, I look like a TOMATO! I look away. But we are still hugging so its kind of hard to look away. And then, I feel her arms around me go lose.. No. No! Now shes probably hating me! I still look away, cuase I dont want to face her. But I know shes gonna notice that, Im twisting my head so much it feels like its gonna falla off. So..even if I dont want to, I turn around to face her. I tought she was gonna be angry, maybe confused, maybe sad. But no. It was even more complicated. She smiled. But I couldnt smile back, I was too confused.

Rainbowdashes P.E.V.

It felt like I was gonna explode. What was I doing, why was I smiling at her?! She was so confused, I could see that. So why was I smiling? But I should of known, it was my bodys fault. I kissed her on her lips (Notice that they are humanin this serie) but I dident stop a second after like Flutter did. No. I kissed her more and more, phusing my tounge into her mouth (As I said, more adult stuff is coming lol) and grabbing her hips. I dident know why I was doing this, it just felt right. But I know that Flutter was so confused, so I stopped for a second to look at her, but when I stopped, Flutter continued. There was no other pony on the racing area, so no one saw us. I looked into Flutters eyes, and I could see that she was confused but still wanted more. Much more than I could of dreamt of. I know what she and..ehm..I wanted. And I was gonna make it up to her. I took her hand and started flying. She followd me and we fly..to my house. When we got in she stood frozen, and me too...What would we say to eachother now.."Ehm Flutter Im so SO sorry for what happend ehm.. I dont know why I did it but it just came, you forgive me? I asked. I dident know what else I could say. "Well Dash Im also sorry, lets just forget it." she said blushing like a tomato. "Of course" I said "Wanna watch some movie and drink some hot chocolate?" I asked. "Of course!" she said as happy as she always is. " I go make the chcolate and you can pick movie"

Fluttershys P.E.V.

"Ok" I said watching Dash leaving to the kitchen. When I couldent see her anymore I started thinking. ""What just happend..."" ""She kissed me so gently but still with...passion"" ""And...it felt good..really good"" Then I got back from my ehm.."daydreaming" you could say hehe. I was gonna pick I movie. I looked in the box that was full of movies. I always loved these ones with cute animals and such..but now, all I wanted was this romantic movie with lots of..ehm..kisses. It felt wierd, like I needed to pick this one. And I did.

It was really akward watching. I still remember her face when she notice what I picked. Half way into the movie the kissing got ehm...real..intensive. And that wasent all. The boy started ripping the girls clothes off (here it comes XD) and then he took of her bra I think it was called off. The girl started taking off the boys jeans..and well. things happend after that. Most of the time I was looking away, it was to sensitive for me. But Rainbow, she was watching it all. And it looked like she was thinking. After the film was done we just sat and looked into the air. And then I felt Rainbows hand on my tigh. I looked over at her, and she looked at me. I felt this adrenaline go trough my body, and without knowing it, I was kissing her. More then kissing, our tounges where swirled togheter and it felt like anything else dident exist. But then, she was going to long. I felt Rainbows hand going down from my shoulder to my breast. And, even if I...loved her... I still couldent handle her doing that. I was too scared. I quickly gently pushed away Rainbow, and without knowing it, a tear fell..and it belonged to me. All memories came back, that guy, that guy that hurt my feelings..and..took my virginity. And I couldent handle it. I started crying.

Wow, what a chapter guys! I wonder what will happen in the next chapter, who is that guy?? Please comment and like this chapter it will help so uch to know that you are Reading and enjoying this!! Thanks and see ya! <3

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