The Axe Of Lightning Part 1

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A Week Later

Sophie, Lok and Leon train together everyday. Dante would often look on with amusement from the sidelines as the trio duelled. He was proud how far the trio had come and had also gained a valuable insight into the way the pair fought. Leon was flighty, changing her attack style by the second and able to adapt well, whereas Sophie was the type to make a plan and stick to it, same with Lok.

The look of determination on their faces was topped only by the laughter that sparkled in their eyes. "Ok one more time!'' Leon said while reading the ancient scroll that Lok had given her to learn the spell off.

"I think I'm getting the hang of it!" Dante's sitting room smiled too, and gave a thumbs-up.

"Ready?" Leon asked.

"Give it your best shot!" Sophie teased as Leon nodded and placed the scroll carefully on the coffee table.

"Okay, I'll give it all I got, with Boltflare!" A twisting ball of golden energy flew from Leon's outstretched hand, her largest yet. For a moment, Sophie and Lok look surprised before Sophie raises an arm to protect herself.

"Honourguard!" The shimmering pink and gold light-shield rippled into being in front of Sophie catching the attack. The ball of energy spread across the surface of Sophie's defence for a second then blinked out of existence. Sophie shakes her head in laughter before dropping her shield.

"Your aim's improving, but it's still a bit weak if you ask me. Just like Lok two years ago." Leon scoffed, folding her arms and putting her nose in the air.

"Weak? What are you talking about?" When Sophie remained unimpressed, Leon turned to Lok and Cherit for help.

"Cherit, Lok, did that look weak to you?" Both of them shrugged and gave Leon an encouraging look.

"You're doing fine, Leon. Just keep working! It's not even been a month since your awakening-you shouldn't worry so much." Leon sighed and asked the titan the questions that had been bugging her for a while, since she had first tried to use her powers in the library all that time ago.

"Well," she amended herself while laughing nervously.

"Not all that long ago at all. Cherit's right. It's only been three weeks. Time has flown by! I think?"

"I've been working! I don't mean to sound like a petulant child but I've been training really hard, Lok can tell you that and I haven't progressed at all!" She threaded her fingers through her hair, tilting her head back and sighed.

"Man, what's wrong with me?" Leon moaned, closing her eyes.

"I can't even use Boltflare!" That's when she'd been ranting, an orange light had begun to glow around her hand, getting brighter as she went on. At her last word, she flung her hand in a frustrated gesture and the now fully formed Boltflare went soaring through the air.

It flew past Dante, who was reading a book on the sofa, ruffling his hair as it passed. Dante's head snapped up, wondering how suits could have gotten into his house, and watched the twisting ball of light as it made its way across the room, bounced along a corridor and disappeared around the corner. A crashing sound soon floated back to them, and a hand-weight rolled into view, revealing the noise as the Boltflare headed into Dante's training room. Dante turns around to regard Leon.

Dante saw Leon was looking incriminatingly guilty, as his eyes focused their reproachful glare on her. Leon blushed and bit her lip anxiously. "Oops." Sophie sniggered and sauntered over.

"Atta girl, killer! We're all set, if a deadly titan disguises itself as Dante's hair." Leon blushed even more while Lok laughed at her and scuffed a sneaker on the floor. Dante sighed, got up and wandered over.

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