Eyes of a Daemon

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Valakt sniffed the air. He filled his lungs and then expelled quickly. The spores were almost through, he thought hungrily. His prey was getting closer. He sniffed the air again, catching a whiff of biomass in the air. It's almost acidic smell made his nose wrinkle. He wiped his nose and turned around, heading deeper into the shallow foothills. His pack of thralls followed him loosely, not heeding the dip and slope, or the many rocks and snags littering the ground. They were mindless drones, simple, but all that he needed for the coming hours. Stavrakis was a fool for coming here. Valakt grinned maniacally. He would pay Stavrakis back for taking his hands. Even now the fool was disembarking from his lander, unknowing that his scout party was already dead. The girl offered great sport, but he was forced to kill her. The Psyker was the hardest nut to crack. He had imploded himself in a great ball of light and energy rather than suffer at the hands of a fallen Inquisitor. A wing of Tyranid Gargoyles swept overhead and their shrieking broke his thoughts. Another and another swept by overhead, all headed in his direction. There were hundreds of thousands of Tyranid organisms headed his way. He hoped he could kill Stavrakis before they did.

Valakt walked for hours. Only the ever present screeching reminded him he was alive. The current continent was being left behind as the Tyranids moved on to the last, this planet's minor southern continent. They left nothing behind. He walked on hard packed dirt, his footfalls sounding heavy. There was no dust on the ground. No sand. No life. This was his promise to the Imperium, should he reach his goals. He sighed happily, imagining the bones of his foes shattering beneath his boots. The hills around him were dead and barren, the colour of the landscape reduced to a bleached, pasty brown. He absentmindedly scratched at his temples, acutely aware of the rot. He scratched some more. He wondered if this was the right choice, his heresy, His alliance with Chaos. Nurgle's rot was a keen reminder of his choice and his payments along this path. His mind dredged up the catalyst of his life, and he remembered why. There could be no other path. No other outcome. Plain and simple as that. There was no choice left to him other than this. He felt the slope starting to descend, shallow at first. As he walked, the gradient grew steeper and steeper until he was more sliding down the slope than walking. He was getting closer. In the next few hours, he would see a flat plain in the middle of the hills. Hidden in the plain, was a door. A special door, more in line with a portal or gate. On the other side was a bunker. Inside, Valakt would find his goal. As before, no other conclusion could exist.

Warhammer 40,000: Stavrakis- The Hunt For ValaktWhere stories live. Discover now