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Princess Taria sat with her parents in the her father's office.

"Honey we need to find you a husband." her mother's tone sweet and yet left no room for any arguments. Taria nodded knowing where this was going. Her parents have been talking about this since her 21st birthday, she's surprised they waited a whole year in between.

"Now we have a couple of suitors. The first being
Prince Aurelius of Green Valley Kingdom." her father stated ever so bored. He was against the idea of his only child being married to a complete stranger.
Holding up a picture of the Price, Taria had to give it to him, he was a great looking specimen.

"How exactly are we going to meet?" Taria asked kindly.

"Well your mother wanted to know that he is worthy of you and so as a result, you will be going undercover to work in the palace as a maid. " her father spat the last word out but there was nothing he could do to change his wife's mind.

" Alright." Taria knew that even if she voiced her dissatisfaction her mother would win anyway.

"You leave in a week."

***Meanwhile ****

"Prince Aurelius." the guard bowed at the gate. Aurelius came back from seeing an Elder. Apparently it had been decided that he is to get married should he want to inherit the Kingdom, and it should and can only be to a Royal. He was not exactly pleased, he had no wishes to marry snobbish girls.

Walking into the castle he met with Smith, the servant master, "Price Aurelius"  the greeting was always formal but it also contained some mockery.

"Smith, send lunch up to my room." Prince Aurelius already knew of the dislike Smith harbored towards him but never did he stop tormenting him.

Leaving Smith Prince Aurelius moved to his room, he had things he needed to sort out there first before moving to the gym.

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