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Taria woke up to an arm around her waist as an alarm clock went off. Memories of yesterday came crashing in as the arm pulled her closer. Prince Aurelius groaned agitated at the disruption, he had just experienced the best sleep of his life. Amazed at how she fit perfectly with his body he had spent close to an hour just staring at her before falling asleep last night.

"Aur..." Taria began but he refused to let go.
"Brownie..." his gruffy morning voice did wonders to her heart as well as warmed her body. Her heart smiled at the nickname he gave it to her yesterday.

"I need to get up." Taria told him firmly as she cupped his cheek. He leaned in opening his eyes to look at her. Pulling her onto him he kissed her.

"Fine but we are meeting up tonight." It was not a question more like a demand. She nodded her heart smiling.


The next three weeks Prince Aurelius and Taria had developed a routine.
Mornings they said bye with a kiss.
Lunch they had together in his office they spoke of anything. It was in this time when Prince Aurelius realized how perfect she would be as Queen.
Nights Prince Aurelius would make his way to her room and they would lay next to each other talking of tomorrow.

Tonight was no different but instead of staying in her room Prince Aurelius talked Taria into going to his room.

"Taria..." his voice sounded clipped almost pained. Taria looked at him almost afraid he was hurt then she noticed the bulge in his pants.

"Oh... Are you alright?" her voice breathy as the bulge pressed harder into her.

"No." just as she was about to panic he interrupted her, "I need my fix of you. But first I need to tell you about something."  his voice was still pained but clearly this was highly important.

"Sometime before you came here the Elders decided that I needed a wife to be Queen." he waited as Taria nodded in understanding.
"She has to be a Royal. Tomorrow the search begins and everyday for the next two weeks I will be meeting some of the Princesses. " He sneered at the word Princesses highlighting his displeasure.

Taria cupped his cheek," I know my Prince. I understand." she gently kissed his nose.

"I guess it is time to face the music." her voice full of pain but he was having none of that.

"I refuse to marry one of them, I love you and only you. My heart with only truly be yours." his hold on her tightened as his voice deepened in passion and his eyes glowed green.

They kissed almost as if the world was dying and they had to let each other know of their love.

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