Day 2

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Everyone was sleeping until my mother came and the dogs attacked. She just walked into the house, shouting "Hello! I'm here!" and then the dogs started barking and growling like crazy. Needless to say, I, as well as the rest of the house, are awake. Thanks, mum.

I want a bagel.

Bagel acquired.

Yummy bagel. This is all I wanted in life. I can die in peace now.

I should probably shower before the wedding...


People are texting me? Don't they know I'm wet and naked? Probably not... I don't just tell everyone when I'm in the shower.

Oh no... The baby got ahold of Hot Cheetos... She's gonna have some hot poops later, (Hopefully not during the wedding cerimony!)

Youtuuuuube tiiiiiimme!

That was short lived.


Nah, cousin picked a lame one. I'll just eat more food because that's what I do best.

Finally made food. Velveta. So good. Don't even care about anything else right now.


Stuck. Help.

Nevermind, not stuck.

Hoooootttt. Hot! Hot! Hot!

Wow, okay. Cousins are rude. This is the convo.:

Her: "I'm in the wedding."
Me: "I know."
Her: "You're not."
Me: "Yup, I'm aware of this."
Her: "I bet they just like me better."
Me: "Okay, whatever."
Her: "(Other cousins name) is in the wedding too."
Me: "Good for him."
Her: "He's holding the door for the bride when she walks through."
Me: "I know this. You don't have to tell me, I've been helping out too."
Her: "I'm a flower girl. I get pretty shoes and a dress."
Me: "M'hmm. Nice."
Her: "You have to wear the dumb clothes you brought from home."
Me: (Ignoring for the time being, really done with her sass.)
Her: "Are they even gonna match the theme? Do you own any other colors than black?"
Me: "Yes, I own other clothes that aren't black. And yes, I own clothes that will match the wedding."
Her: "Really?! Wow, so you have a blue or white dress? Or is it even a dress...?"
Me: "Yes it's a dress. Yes it's blue."
Her: "Oh... Does it reach your knees like it's supposed to?"
Me: "Yes."
Her: "Wow."

In short, she's rude.

Time to get ready.

Just kidding haha. Cinderella is on so... Procrastination time!

Oh my goooosh it's taking forever. My mum wants to do my hair. Pray for me.

#tender-headed #mum-isn't-gentle #save-me-2k16

That's done! Finally. She did my hair like Cinderella with a slight twist. It's actually really pretty.

I want another bagel. Time to go make one and take a break.

Break over, time for make-up.

Finally done with that, it was taking foreveeerrr. I'll have to post pictures of how I look tomorrow. (Maybe, don't get your hopes up 😅😂😅)


Regret. So much regret. Went to take pictures of the bride and groom cutting the cake and someone ran my feet over. It hurts soo much but I can't cry. I don't want them to feel bad and ask why I'm crying so I'm internally screaming because of the pain. What's worse, I'm supposed to go hiking up to the nearby waterfalls tomorrow but I don't know if I'm going to make it if my toes are broken.

R.I.P. feet. You will be missed.

I'll just post the picture of me here. (Don't laugh, I can't take pictures for the life of me! 😅😭😂)

Don't mind the one curl in the back, it fell out from the rest of my hair but I pinned it back and it was fine

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Don't mind the one curl in the back, it fell out from the rest of my hair but I pinned it back and it was fine. Also, I was in my truck whilst taking this, so the background is crap. And yes, my hair is naturally blonde and you can't tell, but my eyes are blue.  (100% not trying to sound rude, just answering possible questions to avoid lots of comments. Although, feel free to ask stuff. Don't be shy. Oh gosh, I don't want to sound mean. XD sorry.)

I'm so tired. Maybe I should sleep. I should also eat dinner... I don't even know if it's made yet. I don't even know what we're having... Hmm. Oh well, I'll eat something and then go to bed.

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