Half a Heart

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Chapter 1: Half a Heart

"Snap!" The branch broke in two just as my foot landed on it. "Just like he broke my heart..." I mumbled under my breath. I ran up my driveway and stopped at the front door wondering if I should go on another run. I remembered I had a French test the next day so I went upstairs to start studying. I sat on my bed and threw my binder on my desk. "One earbud and... two!" I said out loud. I shuffled through my playlists and finally found the perfect one: Taylor Swift. After the first song my tears started to fall. The words from our last conversation kept going through my head "you're worthless" he said "you're ugly" he said "you're useless" he said. I knew what he said wasn't true but something was making me believe him. By the time the playlist was over my eyes were stinging from my mascara. After an hour of laying in bed I got the strength to walk down the hall and take a shower. Once I got in the bathroom I looked in the mirror and scared myself. I still had on an old t- shirt and sweatpants from my run and my make- up looked like it was done by my younger brother. After I got out of the shower I put on my pajamas and decided to start studying for my French test. On the third page of the review guide I suddenly realized how exhausted I was and before I could stop myself my eyes slammed shut.

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