The First Dream

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Chapter 2: The First Dream

I was in someone's room. It looked like a teenage guys. It had dark colored walls and posters everywhere. Most of the posters consisted of rock bands and boring guy stuff but by his bed there weren't any posters just... photos? I slowly walked towards the bed and the people in the photos looked familiar. There was a pretty girl with an attractive guy hugging her waist in the center photo. Around the larger center photo were 5 different photos of the same happy couple. In the first photo the couple looked younger and happier than in the others. The arrangement of the photos was the larger photo in the center with the other five smaller photos around it in a circle. The photos were taken at various places that I used to go to with my boyfriend... The movies, the mall, the zoo... I quickly stepped back from the photos and tripped on a pile of clothes. I lost all the energy in my body. I stared at the photos with horror realizing what they were. The photos were of Jeremy... and me...

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