Chapter 1

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hey all. this is a story that originally was a short imagine for my friend involving a guy she likes but I liked where it was going so I decided to post it. tell me what you think :) Lexi ^-^

Hi. The name's Sabby. Well technically it's Sabrina but I prefer Sabby. More unique you know? Well you probably don't know but whatever. I'm in high school but I am definitely not a normal teenage girl. By that I mean I have a completely different view on things.

My eyes are a bright blue which is in major contrast to my dark brown hair that reaches a little past my shoulders and decides on it's own when it wants to be super curly or only slightly wavy. I'm about average hight for a girl (ok not really. I'm like 5' 2" but let a girl dream will ya?) and I have been told I have nice curves. Not too much but enough that I'm not a skinny twig.

My phone buzzes and I look at the time.

Shit. I think to myself. How long was I just standing here?

Looking at my phone, I see I got a message from my best friend/ practically a sister, Lex. Lex doesn't live in the same town as me anymore but we still stay in touch everyday. Nothing can tear us apart.

Lex: heeeey

Me: hey

Lex: excited to see Dave?

Dave. Damn that boy confuses me. He's athletic, cute (more like HAWT), popular and has every girl drooling over him. Yet, he likes me. He talks to me when others won't and even came close to kissing me once. 'Course that was after he slammed me into a locker.

Me: not really but oh whale. Gotta deal with it.

Lex: yea I feel ya man. I gtg. bye!! Talk to you after school!

Me: okie bye!

Speaking of time for me to go too.

*about 20 mins later*

I arrive at school to the usual hubbub. Yes I just said that. No I don't care what you think.

"Sabby!" My friend Kate yells. "Love the outfit!"

I dont really see what she loves about it. All it is is simple black skinny jeans, my Toms, and a random shirt I grabbed since I was running late.

"Thanks!" I yell back knowing if I don't, she'll never let it go.

I walk into the school and head towards my locker.

Walking down the hall, I see Him. Dave aka Blue-eyes. It sucks how it kills me that he doesn't know how I feel. Lex keeps telling me to tell him but what if he flips out?! My thoughts are cut short when I'm slammed against a locker by none other than Dave. Again.

"Hey Sabs. You gotta stop making me do this." He smirks.

"MAKING you do this? And hows that?" I manage out.

"Because," he leans closer, whispering in my ear now, "Your hard to resist. Can't help but touch you in some way."

"And that's my fault how?"

"You're beautiful, not afraid to speak your mind, your funny, and fiesty. I like that last bit." He smacks my hip, dangerously close to my bum, before walking off leaving me with my mouth hanging open.

What the hell was that?! I think.

I walk into my next class which happens to be Spanish with him. He saved me a spot as usual.

"Hey Dave. Mind explaining what the hell that was?"

"Hm? Oh just joking around. Did you finish your project?" He basically chirps at me.

That's what bugs me about Dave. Can never tell if he's gonna be all scary, dark, seductive and shit or laughing, cupcaky (yes I made that up) and...well NORMAL. He's so bipolar sometimes its freaky.

"Yea I did. You?"

"Yup." He says popping the "P". "Finished it the day after we got it assigned."

"Well aren't you a smartass..."

"Didn't mean to brag Sabby."

"Yea I know."

Well I guess I kinda figured out one way to tell what mood he's in because in "dark" mood he calls me sabs or sabrina while in "cupcake" mood he always calls me sabby. Nothing else.

Class goes on as normal with everyone presenting their projects in spanish. After class, he pulls me aside.

" I was you wanna go out to dinner sometime?"

"Um...sure...that'd be fun." Where did this come from?

"Ok cool. Tomorrow? I know a cool little burger place we could go to..." he almost seemed...nervous?

"Yea cool. Tomorrow."

"Ok great. See you tomorrow then."

He walks away. I go through the day in a sort of daze. When I get home I immediately go to message Lex.


lex: OMG really?!

Me: yea!! Well after he had slammed me into a locker....

Lex: what?! Do I need to kick his ass?!

Me: no we good...

Lex: ok cool. Otherwise id have to come over and beat his ass.

Me: yea I know lol

Lex: so details woman!

So I told her everything that happened. Lex is kinda like Dave. Chooses when to be dark and when to be cupcake. She's definitely bipolar...but she knows it.

Lex: OMG so you going?!

Me: uh yea

Lex: yayayayyayaya #save!!!!

Me: omfg lex your weird.

Lex: but you love me!

Me: lol yea

Conversation goes on as normal and tomorrow can't come soon enough.

~the next day~

School goes extremely quick which is weird, even for a Friday. Dave is obviously in his cupcake mood all day which is weird. Usually he's dark at least once a day.

~after school~

I had been messaging Lex since I got home and we had been deciding on my outfit. I ended up choosing a black beanie over my hair, my American flag off the shoulder shirt, and black skinnies. Lex said I looked awesome but I didnt see it. The time comes for my date and I'm freaking out. We had decided to meet up at the burger place and when I got there I was getting a weird vibe off of him. First of all he called me Sabs, then when we hugged his hands came EXTREMELY close to my bum, and he's wearing all black. I mean I'm not complaining the black shirt fits him VERY nice but its not usually him. During dinner, he kept looking at me from under his hair and kept calling me Sabs. Oh boy...I'm on a date with dark Dave...well shit...

Sorry if its too short. ^-^

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