Angelwing's Spirit Chapter 1

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(Kay, guys, this is my very first story! Hope you like it...)

It was the beginning of newleaf for the four Clans around the lake. EarthClan, NatureClan, WildClan, and ElementClan were all recovering from the harsh leaf-bare. Angelwing sighed. Now her Clanmates could continue to thrive and grow, happily living their lives until StarClan claimed them.

She, however, could do no such thing. The reason being, well... She was already dead. She had joined the ranks of her ancestors, and now looked down from above, watching over and protecting the Clans.

"Oh, Darkheart," she sighed, "I wish so badly that I was still there with you. I wish that we were still together, happily hunting and laughing with every cat. But my place is here now, with our ancestors." She turned away, wings spreading, and took off.

Yes, wings. She had been born with them, she died with them, and they had an actual purpose. You see, she was a spirit fighter. She kept the dark spirits of the afterlife in check, using her claws, teeth, and of course wings to drive them from the starry ranks, and beyond them, the entrance to the living world.

No, the spirits had never been alive. Those were a completely different story. These were actual spirits, like demons but different. Yes, being dead and a spirit fighter at the same time was hard.

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