The Problem

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Professor Temmie POV
I had almost forgotten about my crystal when I walked to Bob's house to say hi, as he opened the door, I suddenly remembered!  It was as if a miniature explosion of memories in my mind.  I ran to my crystal, forgetting about Bob entirely.  As I approached the spot where I had "planted" my crystal, I could tell that I had been successful.  The crystal rose out of the ground like a large tower of purple, shining in the light of the mysterious glow that is everywhere here underground.  As I grow closer I can see my reflection in its shiny, smooth surface.  My crystal had grown to be almost half my size, and I could tell, it was going to taste delicious!  I chip off a piece about the size of a small pebble and try it, immediately my mouth was filled with the sweet taste of the crystal, and my whole body tingled with the energy I felt.  My work was a success!  I would be known as the one temm who had invented a food so scrumptious and delicious that no one could resist.

I ran home and started thinking of a name, but I was too excited and I felt the urge to move, move and never stop.   I ran to Bobs's house and told him the great news, and I told everyone I knew that I had made something wonderful!  It was getting late, all the other temm were heading home, but I still had all the energy in the world.  I briefly wondered if this power, this energy, could be used to break the barrier, but I realized that if the secret to escaping the underground was is a simple crystal, someone would have discovered it long ago.  I decided to try to rest, so I went home.  I lay in bed, but I couldn't sleep!  I had too much energy, I had to move.  

When I saw my neighbors starting to leave their homes and start their daily routines, I left my house and ran to Bob for help. When i knocked on his door it felt like I had to wait for hours to be let in. When the door finally opened I ran inside. I sat down in and waited for Bob to sit down too, but he didn't, he just looked at me and said, "Professor, are you alright?"
"oF cOURsE iM aLRIght!" I replied, but he just kept staring, eventually he said,
"You seem... off, was it the crystal?"
As soon as the word crystal left his mouth, I felt all my energy leave my body and I collapsed on the floor, the next thing I remember, was waking up with Bob staring down at me.

Bob's POV

When the professor ran into my house, he sat down and started vibrating, I could tell that something was definitely wrong so I asked him what happened.  He said he felt fine, but when I asked him if he had eaten a crystal, he flopped over and passed out.

THE INVENTION IF TEMMIE FLAKESWhere stories live. Discover now