Professor Temmie

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Professor Temmie POV:
I was working in my lab underneath Temmie Village, when I heard a sound.  I looked up and someone had come in
"fhsdhjfdsfjsddshjfsd" they said. I was startled and asked "wHO aRE yOU aND wHAT aRE yOU dOING hERE?".
"hOI!!!!!!! I'm tEMMIE aND I tHINK yOU nEED tO iNVENT sOMETHING tHAT'S yUMMY tO eAT!" they replied.
I thought about it and finally said
I thought this was a very good reason so I got to work creating something that was not only yummy to eat, but also had a benefit to the consumer.
From the author:
Hey guys sorry, but the chapters are gonna be really short cause I'm writing on my phone and that makes it look longer. (Also I'm just super lazy and am not good at writing)

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