sixteen [L.T.]

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As Louis waited for Harry to arrive, he kept chewing on his nails. He didn't know what to do. He was far too nervous to do anything. "Would you calm down? Everything's going to be okay." Joshua said.

Louis simply sighed and sat back down on the couch. He simply couldn't stay still. His nerves were killing him. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

He found it hard to try and calm down. Specially since something could go wrong and Harry wouldn't want to be with him anymore.

"Would you stop it! I know what you're thinking Louis Tomlinson." Joshua scolded him and Louis sighed defeatedly.

"Yeah, you're right. I re--"

He was cut off by the doorbell. He rushed to it and then halted for a few minutes and composed himself before opening the door.

"Hey Harry." He said. Harry smirked and looked Louis up and down. It made Louis self conscious. He brought his bottom lip between his teeth and looked at Harry through his eyelashes.

"Hey, beautiful. You ready to go?" Harry said and Louis nodded. He double checked if he had his phone, keys, and wallet before leaving and closing the door.

"So, where exactly are we going?" Louis said. He was wondering where Harry would be taking them. Harry chuckled and shook his head.

"I'm not saying. But know that it'll be something very cliché." Harry said and winked. Louis couldn't help the blush appearing on his cheeks. "So cute." Harry muttered and Louis didn't know if he was supposed to hear that or not.

But he did anyways and that made him blush even more. He was nervous for the date, but mainly excited to be spending the evening with Harry.

And as he started out the window, he started to recognize a few places. He started seeing a few restaurants and he got an idea of where they were going.

"Is the place we're going happen to be a restaurant?" Louis asked. Harry simply smirked.

"Why, it actually is. It's one of my favorites and I want to share it with you." Harry said and Louis couldn't help the blush that appeared once more. And sooner rather than later, they were in front of the restaurant.

Harry quickly made its way out of the car and walked over to Louis' side and opened the door for him. He extended an ar out for him to take and Louis shyly took it and mad his way out of the car.

Harry then took Louis' hand and lead them towards the entrance of the restaurant. "Reservations for Styles." Harry said to the hostess and soon enough, they were lead to the tables reserved for them.

Louis looked around the place and he realized that they were far from any other couples in the restaurant. He took a deep breath and tried to calm down his nervous that seemed to keep getting worse by the minute.

And as they sat down at their table, he couldn't help the small blush on his cheeks. "Hello, my name's Adrel and I'll be your be your waiter tonight." Louis looked up to see the new voice that had spoken.

Louis noticed Harry give the waiter a certain look and the waiter seemed to be giving him the same look. He simply ignored it and decided to look at the menu instead.

"So, what would you like to drink?" Adrel said and Louis looked up upon hearing him.

"Lemonade, please." Louis said and gave the waiter a small smile. Adrel wrote it down and then turned to Harry.

"And for you sir?" Harry didn't look at him and simply said coke before Adrel left. Harry lingered his stare on the waiter and when the waiter turned around, he glared right at Harry.

Harry cleared his threat and turned to face Louis. "So, Louis, tell me about yourself." Harry said and Louis blushed.


"So, where will be going next? Because I know for a fact that my house is he other way." Louis said and pointed in the opposite direction. Harry laughed and Louis furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"We're not don't just yet." Harry said and Louis felt his cheeks heat up.

"Well, where are you taking us then?" Louis asked and Harry simply smirked. Louis didn't know whether to be scared or something else.

"That's for me to know and you to find out, but I will say that you might like it." Harry said. Louis sighed. He looked out the window and they seemed to be heard towards the hills near by.  

It had been a while since they were in the car and Louis was getting a bit sleepy. The drive alone was making him sleepy and he tried his hardest to try and stay awake. But he soon found himself leaning against the window and drifting into a small slumber.

But just as he realized that he was sleeping, he opened his eyes and tried to rub the sleep off his eyes. It was only then that he realized that they were almost reaching their destination.

"Good to know that you're awake." Harry said teasingly. Louis' cheeks heated up and he cleared his throat.

"Sorry about that. But long drives make me drowsy." Louis said and Harry chuckled.

"It's fine, love. And by the way, we're here." Harry said and parked the car. Louis looked out and a small gasp escaped his lips. In front of him, was one of the best views that he's ever seen. ]

It was a scene of the whole city lit up. "Come one, you get a better view when you're out of the car." Harry said and made his way out of the car. Louis soon followed and then met Harry in front of the car.

Their hands intertwined and Louis found himself slightly leaning against Harry's side. "This is beautiful Harry." Louis whispered and looked up at Harry. Who was already looking his way.

"Yeah, but not as beautiful as you." Harry murmured and Louis looked away with a small blush on his cheeks. "Don't look away." Harry said and turned Louis' face to look at him.

Louis bit his lip and tried to control his breathing as Harry was getting closer. He noticed Harry licking his lips. "You're very beautiful." Harry whispered and moved his lips closer to Louis'. Harry's hand removed itself from Louis' and moved to his waist instead.

"You know, I've always wanted to kiss someone on a hill at night when you can see the beauty of the city." Harry said. Louis released a small breath and subconsciously licked his lips.



"Then do it." Louis whispered and Harry cupped his cheek and softly pressed his lips to Louis'. Harry engulfed Louis lips in a sweet tender kiss and pulled Louis is closer as the kiss kept a steady pace. 


I finally updated!! Yay! 

Anyways, idk when next chapter might be up though. Not going to lie about that cx 

I'll see you next time! 

Cheers, goodbye! :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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