six [L.T.]

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Having the guy close to him was something Louis couldn't handle. His scent was clouding Louis' mind and he couldn't speak. He simply swallowed and looked up at the guy's eyes. Which were an emerald green.

Louis thought that he had beautiful eyes and found himself unable to look away from him. "Do you mind if I come in princess?" The guy whispered in Louis' ear and not being able to trust his voice, Louis simply nodded.

The guy then let go of him and Louis stepped aside to let him in. Once inside, the guy slowly pressed Louis against the door and Louis closed it. He felt his breath hitch as the guy brushed his lips against his.

"You have no idea how much I want to feel those beautiful lips of yours." The guy said and Louis cleared his throat and managed to step away from the guy. Once he did so, the guy smirked realizing the affect he had on the shorter lad.

"So..." Louis let it drag on so them at the guy would take the hint and say his name. "Harry. The name's Harry." Harry said and Louis nodded.

"So, Harry, why the visit?" Louis asked and Harry couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, --can I sit down?" Harry said and Louis nodded. "Yeah sure." Louis said quickly and he sat down next to Harry.

"Well, I came to ask you on a date Saturday night." Harry said smoothly and Louis froze. He wasn't expecting this at all. "Um... I don't know." Louis said and scratched the back of his neck.

Harry then scooted closer to Louis and that made Louis a bit anxious. "Come on Lou, just this one date." Harry said hotly in Louis' ear and Louis couldn't help but shiver as Harry spoke in his ear and then nibble the bottom of it.

"I -um.. Okay." Louis managed out and Harry smirked. "Then it's settled, I'll pick you up at eight thirty." Harry said and then moved his lips down to Louis' neck. Louis' breath hitched once more and cleared his throat as he got up.

"Um...okay then. I guess I'll see you on Saturday..?" Louis said, his voice going a bit higher then usual at the end. Harry couldn't help but smirk at how flustered Louis was. "Very well then. I'll be seeing you Saturday night princess. And hopefully, a bit sooner." Harry said and kissed Louis' neck.

Louis was about to walk towards the door but Harry stopped him but gripping onto his hips. Harry then turned him around so that Louis would be facing him. Louis' hands immediately flew up to his chest to increase some space between the two. Harry pressed his forehead against Louis' and both stared into each other's eyes.

Deep ocean blue meeting with emerald green. "Very beautiful." Harry said and he slid his hand lower than Louis' hips and patted Louis' bum. Louis let out a squeak and Harry smirked.

"I'll see you later princess." Harry said and then let go of Louis before walking out of Louis' house. But not before winking at an already flustered Louis.

Louis sat on his couch trying to process what was going in on with his life right now, that he didn't realize his two best friends sneaking up on him. He gave each other a knowing look before screaming in Louis' ear making Louis shriek and fall of the couch.

The couple busted in a fit of laughter in seeing their best friend reaction. They five fived as Louis glared at them from where he was now sitting on the ground. "I hate you both." Louis grumbled and that only made them laugh even more.

"You don't hate us Lou. You love us! Without us, your life would be boring." Nathan said before wrapping an arm around his boyfriend's waist. "Who said such thing? If I do recall, you guys made my life worse." Louis said and got up from the ground and sat back down on the couch.

"Lies... We made your life easier and better!" Joshua said and Louis simply rolled his eyes. He knew it was true. Without his two idiot friends, he wouldn't be able to pay the rent and have a fun life. But he won't tell them that for, they were smirking.

They knew what Louis was thinking and it was confirmed when Louis sighed and shook his head. "I'm gonna take a has been a really tiring day." Louis said before getting up and making his way towards the stairs.

"Alright then Lou. Sweet dreams!" Nathan shouted as Louis near the top of the stairs. He heard a giggle before Joshua's voice was heard.

"Have fun dreaming about Harry!" Louis stopped dead in his tracks and turned to look at the bottom of the stairs. Where his two best friends were giggling to themselves. "Ha ha. You guys are so funny." Louis said sarcastically and then flicked them off as he turned back around and headed to his room.

He really didn't want to deal with those two idiots for another minute. He sighed once he was alone in his room and locked his door and dropped himself on his bed. He he stared off into space and wondered what the date with Harry would be like.

But his thoughts trailed to how Harry had treated him. And the little pet names he already had for Louis. Once relaxing what he was doing, he shook his head and let out another sigh before closing his eyes for a minute and soon fell into slumber.


Heyy lovies!

How are you guys liking the new whole new story? Well, the edited versions of it though... Haha cx

Anyways, I'm going to get off track for just a sec...

Okay, if you're familiar with my story 'Quit It' and have read the authors note in like two updates, then you should know about my ex and what happened and where he is at... But anyways, guess what...


If he hasn't already cause they said he was coming back on Saturday which was... Yesterday... Or maybe Monday... But, I'M NOT READY TO SEE HIM AGAIN. I KNOW FOR SURE THAT THOSE FEELINGS I ONCE HAD WILL COME BACK AND I DONT WANT THAT

He's the past and I want it to stay like that but... Ugh!! These two months went by so quickly... I hate it...

Anyhoran, besides that shit... You guys have been a bit quiet... Not commenting or anything recently... It's scary... Like, legit scary...

But anywhore, who guys enjoy and yeah.. Thanks for everything! Love you :* ❤️

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