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Castiel groggily opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was blood, lots of it. His body was screaming in pain. He tried to move but his arms were chained and spread out to either side of him. His mind immediately went to Dean. Then he remembered, he left looking for the stone. Cas was captured and tortured, everyone else had no idea where he was or what he was doing. Most importantly Dean was safe, so was Ariel and Sam. Cas couldn't say the same thing for himself.

"Hello Castiel."

Metatron emerged from the darkness.

"Are you ready to talk now?"

"I told you I don't know anything."

"Then why were you snooping around my angel camp."

Metatron pulled an angel blade from his sleeve and held it up so the light could make it shine.

"I won't talk."

"Okay, then maybe you'll talk about the girl. Surely you must have noticed that she is a little strange."

Cas spit out some blood, and took a deep breath.

"I-I don't know-"

"And surely you must have noticed that her soul isn't like other humans."

"I don't know who she is."

"Of course you don't. You don't know anything, so why should I keep you here? Well I'll tell you, I'm going to keep you here because you do know the answers, you just don't want so admit it."

A small scream echoed in the chamber as Metatron made a cut deep in Castiel chest. A small blue light lit up Metatron's face.

"This won't last long. The Winchesters will come for me."

"Will they?"

Metatron laughed and melted into the darkness, leaving Cas alone in a pool of his own blood.


Dean held the phone to his ear, anxiously waiting for his angel friend to pick up.

I don't understand. Why-

Dean shut the phone cutting off the rest of the voicemail. He set his phone down and rubbed his face with his hands. Sam walked into the foyer with a bottle of water in his hand.

"Still no reply?"

"Yep, that's the fifth time I've tried to call him. I don't like it Sam, I don't like it one bit."

"Don't like what?" Ariel appeared in the doorway.

"I can't get a hold of Cas."

A look of worry crossed Ariel's face, "Oh."

She crossed the room to Sam's laptop and opened it. She typed furiously and all the boys could hear was the clicking of keys.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked, crossing the room to look over Ariel shoulder.

"I'm hacking into his phone to turn on the GPS."

"You can do that?" Dean asked.

Dean was never really an electronics person and usually let Sam handle things like that.

"Yeah, if you know the right coding you can do anything. There!"

A little blue dot appeared on the screen.

"Enid, Oklahoma. That's interesting." Sam said crossing the room once again to grab his jacket.

"Why is that interesting?" Dean asked, grabbing his own olive green coat from a nearby chair.

"That's by Metatron's angel front." Sam replied pulling on the jacket over a red plaid shirt.

"Why didn't I know this?"

"Because you never asked."

Ariel stood and grabbed her own jacket from a chair. She grabbed the laptop and followed the boys up and out of the bunker.

Ariel got in to the back of the impala and handed the laptop to Sam in the front so he could track the dot. She started to fiddle with the ring on her right hand. Dean started the engine and drove, that's when she saw the mark. The Mark of Cain, aka the most dangerous curse in the universe. Well, second most dangerous curse, but she wouldn't dare tell the boys about the most dangerous one.

Hours had passed and the group entered Enid, Oklahoma with a big welcome sign on the city limits.

"Turn here."

Dean followed Sam's instructions, they turned off of the main road and onto a no name dirt path.

"Turn left."

Once again Dean obeyed and the car turned into a road leading through a dense dark forest.


They were in the middle of nowhere.

"It says he should be right here."

"It doesn't look like there is anything here Sam," Dean replied.

The group got out of the car and began to search the area. Dean went to the left, Sam went to the right, Ariel walked straight ahead. There was something shinning in the dirt in front of the car.

"Guys," Ariel called the brothers over.

The Winchesters walked over to the girl, she was crouched and looking at something in the dirt. As the boys drew nearer they realized that the thing in the dirt was actually Cas's dirty and broken phone.


Hey guys!

Sorry this chapter was kind of short but, you know, rising action. Thanks for checking out this story. Don't forget to comment and give me some constructive criticism.

Stay beautiful!


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