The Principals Son, My First Taste of Gay (Chapter 2)

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The Principals Son, My First Taste of Gay

I didn't figure out I was gay until I was a senior in high school, and that was because of the principles son, Sean. We had never really been friends, until we started hanging out that year, and then we were inseparable.

One night, we were studying at his house, and his parents were out. We got tired of studying (of course) and started playing some video games. He got mad at me because I kept beating him so he playfully attacked me and said I was cheating.

He was the football captian, so he was stronger than me and he soon had me pinned, with one of his hands holding mine above my head. Because he had pinned me, naturally he was straddling me, so it was already kind of sexual. The tension started building when we stopped laughing and looked at eachother. I don't know who made the first move, I tend to think we both sort of did, but pretty soon it was a full on makeout session, and heating up fast.

Yes, we did have sex, but this particular time I'm not gonna go into detail. Because it was our first time (both of us virgins) we were inexperienced, but we loved it. From then on, whenever we could, we did it. We weren't technically a couple, because neither of us was ready to come out at school nor to our families, but that never bothered us. We were both horny teenagers, and all we wanted was the sex.

And that brigs us to where I got kicked out of the house. We were studying at my house, and as always things got heated pretty quick. The problem was hat neither of us was paying attention, so neither of us locked the door. My parents got home early from work and my mom caught us. I never found out how much she saw, but from the look on her face we knew it was enough to not be mistaken. She screamed which brought my dad running and alerted us to her presence.

My dad freaked saying he would not tolerate a fag as a son and all that crap. It wasn't an hour before I was packed and out of the house. I grabbed a paper at the local store and found an ad looking for a roommate. I visited the address listed and met Zane. But that's another story.

I kept in touch with Sean, but after the incident, we never had sex again. It was sort of like the fact that it was secret was what was so much fun, and when my parents found out, it took away the magic.

I do regret never trying a relationship with him, because then things might have been different, and I wouldn’t be a slut, but neither of us was really looking for that so it never happened. I think someday I will have a steady boyfriend, but I want just mister right. I’m not gonna get my heart broken over some stupid guy that I won’t ever think of again. I’m happy dancing with random guys at the club, and having one night stands until then.


Two chapters in one day! A new record! I know neither is very long, but its just setting the scene for the real story!

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