Train ride

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As I try to move Ron's arm tightens around my waist.I'm used to this as I used to  sleep round at the burow all of the time before I went home at the start of the summer.I really do love the way Ron holds me but it does get a little overwhelming sometimes.

I shake him awake and he smiles at me dreamily."Its time to get ready babe, Hogwarts soon" He says looking at the Chudley Cannon alarm clock at the side of his bed.I sigh, agree and get up and start to get dressed still sat on the bed with the duvet wrapped around my waist.I wear a black vest top which  is low-cut and shows off my cleavage(which Ron loves),black skinny jeans which show off all of my curves,pink converse trainers and a simple black zip up hoodie.My outfit is for Ron's benefit.

At 11o'clock me,Ron, Harry and Ginny are on the Hogwarts express.I sit with my back against the window with my legs across Ron's knees and Hogwarts; A history open in front of me.I sigh to myself, perfect moment.Until I see a unfortunately familiar head of blonde hair stalks past the carriage door.

"Oh great" I mutter to myself hoping nobody will hear it.Ginny-who's sitting across from me cuddled up to Harry- sits up and looks out of the door and sighs with a grumpy face and sits back down next to  Harry again and grumbles "Perfect" to which both boys look up and see whats up with me and Ginny."Malfoy" they sneer behind clenched teeth.

"Perfect, that's just what I need this year an annoying Malfoy to spend a year with"Ron says then he looks at me and smiles at me and says "At least I get to spend the year with you"

"Ron you've done that the past six years I  say giving him a questioning look.

"Yes but this year I'm there with you as my girlfriend." he pauses kissing me gently on the cheek.I feel a heat in my cheeks and know I'm blushing."My girlfriend who I love"He kisses me again"Very much"Another kiss.I hear a faint gagging noise.I push Ron off of me looking at Ginny and Harry but they're looking out of the door their faces filled with disgust.I lean over and look past Ron and see Malfoy looking at us bent over gagging and miming vomiting and Pansy Parkinson holding her nose then sticking her finger in her mouth and joining Malfoy in fake vomiting.When Malfoy straightens up I stand up open the door and look smugly at him and say "Um hmm very mature Malfoy now how old are you exactly,4 ? 5 ? Because you're acting like you are"

"For your information Granger I'm 19.And anyway how dare you talk to me you filthy little Mudblood ?"He says squaring up to me.Suddenly like in a film I have a flashback from year 3 when he says the same thing.Then I think back to when I punched him that year.I burst out laughing."What the hell are you laughing at ? Mudblood!"Pansy says."Yes what are you laughing at ?"Malfoy says.I look back at his face and laugh again.When I have contained myself.I square up to Malfoy as well "For your information Malfoy I was remembering when I punched you in the face in third year" I say then I notice he isn't looking at me hes looking at my chest.'Oh God !' I remember I'm wearing the low cut vest and practically pushing my chest into his face.

I choose to attempt to embarrass him and cross my arms pushing them up even further and making them seem bigger and say "Enjoying the view, Malfoy ?"He goes bright red making his blonde hair stand out even further.He is forcibly turned around by the collar and sucked onto Pansy's face then they both moan passionately and have their hands all over each other I hear Pansy say  "Oh  Draky "I groan in utter disgust and flick my long  smooth hair dramatically aver my shoulder and justasI am about to shut the door Pansy says "Enjoying the view Granger ?"I open it fully and say "Not much Parkinson but I do have a little message for 'Dear Draky';Next time you ogle my breasts make it a bit less obvious will you?"Then I slam the door shut and slump down in my seat "Well that went well I think" I say then I lie down on Ron's lap and nod off.

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