Zane Holtz - Lucian Argon

She was the last them. The last mortal woman who was able to handle such changes. Greyson had told me she vansihed into the woods after the ritual. My only regret was taking her in such haste, she wouldn't ever trust a stranger. I would watch her in Pingree Grove, east from where I come from, and see what she's like. A girl who's turned her back on her drunken brother and headed into a direction that leads to being a seamstress.
It was arranged for us to marry, my father saying her bloodline was of pure radiance. Her father was a hero when fighting against Britain and cherished his last leg as he made it alive, but crippled. Her mother died of the plague a few months before and her brother reacted as though red wine was the only cure for his sadness lingering inside. I had yet to admire how deeply she cared for her own wellbeing and struck the right cords to make people respect her as a woman. No man would look down upon her or even lay a hand on her perfect, fair skin. It was as though she was living a fantasy.
A week ago, I had gotten too close. I was in my wolf form, and was sitting outside her window in the village. She spotted me and I couldn't help but run from her sweet gaze. Aria had eyes the color of hazel. Unlike many, her eyes were a constant reminder of nature and the spirits that represented it.
"I want her found. Unless that doesn't happen in the next month you might as well be pronounced dead," I look down in shame at the piles of papers on my wooden workspace. I lived with five other people in this two story cabin right outside of Pingree Grove. My father lived more south but was close enough to get by in our true forms. I took orders from him to watch over our people because for centuries the Argon family has been the leader of several packs. My aunt controlled a pack down in South Carolina and owned a plantation. Then my grandfather watched over another pack in Oregon. Then thy older brother took over one in Maine where as my father and I were in Michigan. Every four years we meet and discuss how things are and what we should do when it came to transforming mortals.
They all got news that there wasn't many mortals left that had the ability to survive that change, until I found Aria. Power somehow rolled off her in waves, and it was as though there was a connection between her and my kind. Since we were desperate to repopulate, I had no choice but to have my men transform her.
     I watched as the candle's fire was disturbed once a gust of wind hurled in. Greyson stood in the doorway, pale. "We found her, sir," he gulped down his words. I stood from my seat, intrigued by this news. "Bring her in, Joshua," Greyson ordered. A man with long, bulky arms in trousers made from fine material strutted in with Aria limply in his grasp. She was covered from head to toe in dirt. Twigs wound in her raven black hair. Light blue skin from the cold outside.
     My arms quickly took hold of her, "warm up some water on the stove. I will take care of her. Thank you." My words were jumbled as I went down a slender corridor into a spare room that was quite plain. I laid her bare body onto the cotton sheets, the back of my hand coming up to her cheek, brushing it softly.
     "I'll take care of you," I whispered and ran out of the room to Greyson who was standing outside the door with clothes. Quickly grabbing them, my feet glided over to the girl with a small frame and waited until Joshua heated the water. Her hands were a certain kind of freezing, a cold I have never felt before. So I take the wool blanket from inside the armoire and wrapped it around her body, taking it kindly into my shaking arms. "The bath is ready," Joshua gasped with water splattered on his vest. I didn't smile, didn't thank, just hurried into the bathing room and saw steaming water rise from the big metal tub.
     I carefully place Aria into the pool of warm water and take the bar of soap and begin scrubbing the mud off her foot. Having a feeling that Greyson was behind me I asked, "where did you find her?" He took in a deep breath before replying in a deep tone.
     "Joshua found her passed out in his stables. His horse was gone, and was replaced by a corpse. He screamed and I heard so I followed the noise and found him hopelessly vomiting up his meal. I looked inside the stables and saw her." I simply nodded to his explanation and thought, already she's become who she's suppose to be.
     "I thank you, tell Joshua to go home," I say sternly and begin picking out the twigs that weaved their way into Aria's hair. Before another word was spoken, Greyson walked off and left me alone with a precious, blood thirsty girl who's mostly likely scared out of her mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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