Chapter 5 - What just happened?

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Gabby’s POV

I am meant to be going to school today but I don’t have time for that shit. Lou and Gemma are busy today but they asked me to stop by the hotel, so that they can give me something to give to Maddie.

It’s about 9:30 on Monday. “Mum, I am going to see Maddie again today”

“Gabby you have to go to school!”

“Mum, if you sister was in hospital with cancer you wouldn’t go to school either so shut the fuck up”

I argue with mum, she just groans because she knows I’m right. It is a nice day today.

Sunny, with a slight breeze, beautiful. I head for the bus stop because mum refuses to take me and I head into the city.

I have to go to the Hilton first which is where the boys are staying. Lou and Gemma told me to text them when I arrive and they will come down and get me.

It doesn’t take too long to get to the city. Around 20 minutes, some people on the bus are feral.


I have arrived in the city and I am only a few minutes away from the Hilton. I decide to text Lou now to tell her I am here.

The crowd is massive outside the hotel. This is so stupid. Don’t the boys deserve privacy, looks like some people have slept on the street outside the Hilton. Dumb sluts.

I look around to try and see Lou. Nope. No hope.

Oh I see Niall, and Gemma “Gemma!” I call. She half turns her head and then double takes. She smiles as she spots me and asks the security man to pull me out of the crowd.


“Hey Gabby!”

Gemma and I start talking before Niall jumps in.

“Gabby! It is so nice to see you again!”

“Oh hey there Nialler”

“Do you want to come to breakfast with us?” Niall asks shyly

Did Niall Horan just ask me to breakfast?

“I would love to but I can’t take to long because I have to see Maddie!” When I say Maddie’s name I see Niall’s face sadden.

“She okay?” He asks

“She is a fighter” I all I manage to say

I smile and go with Niall and Gemma back up the stairs.

They take me into the room they are staying in.

“This is massive!”

I walk in and look around the massive beautiful room. Wow.

“Gabby! You’re here”

I turn around to see Lou standing in front me. I give her a massive hug. It is good to see Lou and Gemma, they have given me so much support.

Once I have hugged Lou the rest of the boys have made their way out to the lounge room.

“Hey Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn!” I say happily

They attack me with cuddles apart from Liam. What is wrong with him.

HS – “How’s Maddie doing?”

LT – “Yeah she okay?”

G – “She is doing really well at the moment, she is yeah”

ZM – “That’s good!”

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