Chapter 12 - Hold me

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I know its a short chapter but give me thoughts on the story so far? xo

Maddie’s POV

It’s around 11:30 at night, and we are leaving the restaurant now to go back to the hotel. We are just sitting in the car.

Gabby, Harry, Niall and I are in the same car with Liam and Gemma. Gabby is on Niall’s lap falling asleep, I have made my self quite comfortable with my head nuzzling into Harry’s chest. Gemma is driving and Liam is on his phone in the front seat.

“Maddie, you have to go home tomorrow to pack up your stuff” Liam tells me.

“What why?”

“Because, you’re coming with me on tour. You’re my sister, you have to come home”

This is all great and shit but I refuse to leave if Gabby isn’t coming to.

“Liam, I am not leaving without Gabby”

“There are some things in life Maddie you gotta do!”

“LIAM! She has been my best friend, she knows me better than you do! She comes or I stay!”

“Maddie stop bringing the fact up that I wasn’t there to raise you! I know I wasn’t! You know I wanted to be! If you want Gabby to come Your going to have to talk to Gabby’s parents then!”

“Fine I will!”

Good way to out me in a bad mood. I look at Gabby who is sleeping peacefully in Niall’s arms. Niall catches my attention and just gives an it will be okay look. I sigh and nuzzle my head back into Harry’s chest; he starts to play with my hair.

“I have text mum to tell her you and Gabby will stay with us tonight”



We arrive at the hotel the boys are staying in, and sure enough fans are everywhere still. “Fark do they ever leave?” I ask Harry, him helping me out of the car.

“No they don’t!” He smiles at me and puts his arm around my waist to lead my inside. Lucky the security guards have made a path for us otherwise I would have just gone all ninja on all of them.

Once we get inside and in the elevator I can relax. I am very sleepy. Harry is standing against the wall so I go over and lean on him. I feel his hands wrap around my waist and his head rest on top of mine.

Niall is holding Gabby up by her waist considering she is half asleep, she is leaning on Niall and Niall is romantically holding her up. It is quite cute.

I see Liam out of the corner of my eye turn to face us and give a nervous glance at Niall and Gabby as well as me and Harry.

It makes me smile and I look up at Harry, to which he looks down at me. The elevator opens and we all file out. I follow Harry and Gemma into the hotel room where I find all Louis, Zayn and Lou sitting on the couch already in their pajamas. They seem to be watching a movie.

I smile and follow Harry into his room, he gives me one of his shirts and Gemma comes in to give me a pair of her pajama shorts. I wipe off my make up and brush my hair before chucking it up into a messy bun and walking out to the lounge room to finish watching the movie with the others.

Lou is on the main couch with Louis and Zayn to which Gemma has squeezed herself onto as well as Liam. Niall and Gabby claimed the left side couch and are lying on it. Gabby is already asleep on Nialls chest. At the moment I am siting on the right couch by myself with my knees pulled to my chest.

Harry walks in front of me and makes myself comfortable on the couch lying down he smiles at me gestures me towards him, so I crawl over to him and lay next to him.

“What movie are we watching” I whisper into his ear

“Scary one”

“Fuck me”

“haha what?”

“I hate scary movies”

“I am here though”

“I still hate them”

“Come here”

I rest my head in the curve of Harry’s neck and place my hand on his stomach. He puts one arm around the other and me behind his head.

I refuse to watch the movie so I just close my eyes and begin to fall asleep.


I think I have been asleep for like 5 hours, but turns out I have only been asleep for 2. I wake up slightly at Harry picking me up from the couch. I feel his arms around my legs and back carrying me somewhere.

Oh yeah, I fell asleep on him on the couch; he must be taking me to his room.

To make myself feel lighter I wrap my arms around his neck and put my head on his shoulder and curl up into a little ball in his arms. I hear a little chuckle escape his mouth.

As he gently places me on the bed I roll over so that he can tuck me in. I open my eyes slightly to see Harry crawling into bed on the other side, he switches off the lamp and grabs his phone.

“What are you doing?”

“Oh hey there sleeping beauty! I am checking twitter”

“Anything interesting?”

“Nope, same old shit”


My comment makes Harry laugh, he puts his phone down and pulls me closer to him. I turn around putting my back to Harry as he puts his arm around me and puts his head in the curve of my neck. He kisses my neck gently sending shivers down my spine.

“Goodnight Maddie, I love you”

“Night Harry, I love you too”

With that I fall back asleep in the arms of my beautiful loving boyfriend. Harry Styles.

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