Chapter 3

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Danhy rolled over in bed and sighed for what felt like the thousandth time. Sleep had alluded him all night and now as the first rays of light began to peak through his cream curtains he wished for nothing more than to spend the day in bed but knew his father would not allow it and would hunt him down and drag him from the soft, warm confines of his bed. Danhy begrudgingly dragged himself from his bed and dressed in what his Aunt referred to as the 21st century's idea of public prostitution, without the prostitution. 'She's not wrong,' he thought as he examined his form in the mirror. His jeans were so tight that he was sure if he bent over they would split directly in half and his plain white shirt was too form fitting for his liking. The 30's was still a time of modesty, well to a certain degree that is but the clothing he had seen since coming back was repulsively short and horribly revealing.

Danhy traced the impression his pendent left beneath his shirt, it was a gift his grandfather carved for him in 991. Mikael cherished Danhy in his mortal years, he was his only grandchild and because of that Danhy received unconditional love from his grandfather. Mikael treated his grandson better than he sometimes treated his own children and even now after centuries of his grandfather hunting them down Danhy still loves him, he is still family after all and as Niklaus loves to remind everyone, 'family is everything.'

He startled at the sudden sound of someone knocking at the door. He hadn't expected anyone to be up so early. "Come in," Danhy called. Esther peeked around the door, smiling warmly. "Good morning Grand-mama, I didn't expect to see you up this early."
"I thought I'd get up a bit early so that we could all sit down for a family meal," Esther tilted her head to the side, examining her grandson with the same look a doctor would their patient, "what's wrong dear? You look a little pale."
"I haven't been able to sleep since I've come back, I'm just a little over tired I suppose." Danhy gestured towards the plush chairs that overlooked the view from the floor to ceiling windows that took up the entire far wall of his bedroom. Esther settled herself into the chair closest to the door. Danhy followed suit, he seated himself beside her, leaning back into the warm embrace of the cousins. He had to hand it to his Uncle, no matter how evil he pretended to be deep down he was still that same mortal boy, with a heart three times too big. Niklaus remembered his favorite color and his favorite sitting chair from the 1800's, he remembered everything Danhy had loved over the centuries and put it all into one room- in a tasteful manner that is. However, that CD player is an abomination of black magic and needed to go. Why did humans have to be so stupid and try to 'improve' the marvelous creation that was the record player?

"Be honest with me Danhy," Esther leaned forward to rest one her slender hands on her grandson's knee, "have the nightmares returned?"
"I honestly don't know. I can not even sleep at night, so I'm unsure if the nightmares are still there or if they have gone entirely." Danhy sighed, he rubbed a shaky hand through his thick brown hair. One of the problems with being a vampire is that the things you posess when you are mortal are only amplified when you're turned. As a human, his nightmares were so bad that Danhy was too scared to even close his eyes and now as a vampire, they are far worse than anyone could ever imagine. Esther squeezed his knee reassuringly, "I'm sure there is no need to worry. You are in a new place and a different time, it will take some getting used to, but just in case I will mix up some herbs to help you sleep,"
"but what if they come back again?" Danhy mumbled.
"then I shall have to chase them away." They both chuckled warmly. A comfortable silence settled over them for a moment in which they relished in each other's company. It has been far too long since they have had this opportunity. "We should head down before Elijah comes looking for us." Esther smiled.

They both made their way downstairs to the dining hall where it seemed all of the family were gathered, except for Rebekah. Breakfast was a mostly quiet affair with only Finn and Esther engaging each other in conversation. The silence was not completely unwelcome, it was a calming silence, one that didn't result in shouted death threats across the table for once. After the meal, Niklaus, Kol, and Danhy retreated to the study for some peace and quiet. Danhy took another tentative sip of his special tea, it was a soothing mix of herbs Esther had prepared for him to help him sleep, but the effects were yet to work.

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