Soarin Skies

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I glared down at Soarin. He grinned at me cheekily.

We went past the paparazzi and thanks to this asshole, I was late for class. Here we are, sitting in Principal Celestia's office. And she doesn't look pleased. At all.

"Miss Dash, I see you were late because of Mr Skies. I will let both of you off detention, but heed my warning, do not be late for class again. Is that understood?" She said sternly.

"Yes, Principal Celestia. I apologise for my actions," Soarin said politely. Who knew he could be so polite?

"Yes P' Celestia," I grumbled.

"At least we escaped detention, right?" Soarin smirked as he whispered to me so that she wouldn't hear.

I kicked his shin under the table and that shut him up.

"Both of you are dismissed. Take your schedules," Principle Celestia reminded us as we got up.

I took mine and so did he.

I dragged him outside and shoved him up against the lockers.

"Who are you?" I grabbed his collar. Yep, he earned the title of "The Most Annoying Asshole I've Ever Met". Someone should give him an award.

"Soarin Skies," he replied simply and placed his hands over mine.

I blushed and my grip on his collar faltered. He took the chance to flip us around; me ending up leaning against the lockers and him pinning me.

"L-Let me go!" I thrashed but it was no use. I gotta admit it, okay? This guy's stronger than me.

He leaned in and whispered into my ear, "You'll find out sooner or later, princess."

That sent chills down my spine.

Argh, what am I saying?!

Soarin then let go of me and took my schedule."Looks like we got the same classes for PE, music, math, art and chemistry! The first class is math," he handed me my schedule. I snatched it out of his hands.

Trying to scrape up what was left of my sanity, I breathed out slowly and ran along the hallways, completely ignoring him.

"Hey! Wait up!" Soarin actually caught up with me. Like, real fast. I groaned and just ran faster. So did he. Curse that asshole's legs.

We stopped in front of the classroom door and I kicked it open. I stomped inside and chose the last seats at the back of the class, ignoring my classmates, Soarin and my bitchy teacher, Miss Cheerilee.

I plopped down on my seat and buried my face in my arms. A presence pulled out the chair next to mine and sat down on it. I didn't even need to see who it was.

It was of course, the one and only Soarin "asshole" Skies, who I have no idea why the paparazzi is crazy about.

"Hey princess, what do ya think about me?" His voice reached my ears and that made me feel like I wanted to cut my ears out.

"A total asshole? The definition of hell?" I looked up at him and my jaw almost dropped. Key word: almost.

The light in the classroom hit the side of his hair perfectly, making what I see seem edited or something. The light made his skin seem to glow and brought out the perfect twinkle in his eye. The shadows outlined his strong jawline and the bridge of his nose. His perfectly blown back navy blue hair finished the look. Nope, I take back that he was the definition of hell. He was the perfect definition of hot and gorgeous.

Don't tell him I thought of that.

"Done checking me out, princess?" Soarin smirked. I blushed and glared at him. That infuriating asshole...

"I wasn't," I replied lamely.

"C'mon, I know I'm 'the definition of hot and gorgeous'," Soarin sneered.

Oh god did I say that out loud?!

"I tell you-" my sentence was cut short by the bitch.

"Miss Dash, Mr Skies, would you two stop talking to each other?" Miss Cheerilee glared at two of us. The whole class whistled and quite a few girls growled in jealousy.

I wanted to stick my tongue out at them.

"But T'cher, he's the one annoying me," I rolled my eyes. "Can I change seats?"

"No Miss Dash, and you two better stop it, or else..."

Or else what? Like if I'm scared.

I huffed and slumped down on my seat, glaring at Soarin. He returned it with a smirk. I really wanna kill that boy. Ah, no, that was an understatement. That fucking troublemaking infuriating asshole. Yes, that was more like it.

Tell me I'm overreacting, but face let's it: this is reality, people.

I stared at the bitch and she was writing some formula on the blackboard. I shifted in my seat to get a better view and saw that she was teaching ratio. Ah well, I can learn that at home. After all, I hold the fifth best results in the school.

I glanced at Soarin and saw that he was using his phone under the desk.

Smart ass.

I propped my legs up on the desk and leaned back in my chair, flopping the textbook on my face and I zoned out.


Now that recess is here, I grabbed my soccer ball and headed towards the cafeteria.

For the rest of the periods until lunch, I haven't been lucky enough to land a class with either of my friends. Today must be my unlucky day.

I was balancing my soccer ball on my head to the cafeteria when Rarity, my bitchy but generous friend, nearly scared the living hell outta me.

"RAINBOW DARLING!!!" She screeched. "WAIT UP!" Rarity was panting and sweating like she just competed with Usain Bolt or something. But nope. She's just running with her three-inch high heeled shoes. I wanted to facepalm.

My soccer ball fell from my head and I caught it neatly.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

She caught her breath and took out a handkerchief to wipe her sweat away and sprayed perfume.

I really wanted to facepalm. But being the good and considerate friend I am, I had to stop myself.

"Rainbow dear, what, why and how did you arrive in school with Soarin Skies?!" Rarity squealed. She was fangirling.

Wow. I'm starting to get impressed by Mr Total Asshole.

"Who is he? Why do you guys like him so much? What's the big deal?!" I just had to let it all out.

"Wha...what? YOU DON'T KNOW?!" Rarity went back to screeching mode.

Oh come on. I don't watch TV much, or listen to the radio or read newspapers.

"That's why I'm asking?" I deadpanned.

"Soarin...Skies is a model! He photoshoots for all those teen magazines! He's a popstar! His songs are legendary! Soarin Skies, the boy you walked in with this morning, is a famous celebrity! You've...never heard of him...?"

"I-I..." I stammered.

Oh my god.

Hey people! How's it going? How would you react if you were RD here? I would just totally slap myself to ensure that wasn't a dream.

Thanks for readin'

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