Accidental Accident

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Whatzzup people it's me again. And yay I reached 10K+ views. This chappie is to thank y'all for the views and votes!! Again.

Oh fuck.

Soarin was inserting something into the keyhole and trying to unlock it.

I grabbed a stool, ready for him to barge in.

Or maybe I should just jump outta the window. No that would be crazy.

Actually I am already crazy.

Which girl in their right minds would allow a boy into their house when you're alone in it?!

I really feel like I want my mom to come home now. Nah just kidding that would be awful. She would murder me. And knock Soarin outta his ass.

I smirked at the visual image of Soarin being kicked by her.

Oddly, somewhere deep inside me, I didn't want Soarin to get hurt.

Oh god what am I thinking. Nope correction, what is my independent mind thinking.

Something clicked in the lock and that brought me back to reality.

"FUCK," I tensed and raised my stool.

The doorknob turned and I stepped behind the door, holding the stool above my head.

I saw a gray sneaker step into the room and slammed the stool down hard onto his chest, or wherever I thought it would be.

And lemme tell you this. I really didn't mean to hit him that hard.

Soarin stumbled back and his head hit the wall behind him forcefully from the impact. He staggered around, trying to maintain his balance.

Then he dropped motionless to the floor.

I gasped as I dropped the stool.

Holy. Shit.


I kicked the stool away quickly and knelt down to him, to his face level.

I'm so glad I'm alone in this house. If my mom saw this she would kill me.

"S-Soarin...?" I gave him a little shake. "Hey...?"

No, maybe he wasn't that much of an asshole that I didn't care about him.

I think was to the point where I could still have some decency to worry about him.

Don't get me wrong. I still hate him.

I put my fingers to his wrist and tried to measure his pulse, or whatever the movies always do.

Okay. I still felt the pulse. It's the tiny beats right?

I breathed out a sigh of relief.

At least I won't be branded murderer.

Oh god how do I wake him? I'm not some doctor.

Oh yeah oh yeah I could call my friends. Hmm...let's see, who does healing best?


I grabbed my phone from my bed and dialed in Flutters' number.

She answered.

"Yo Flutters?" I paced around the room.

"Oh! Rainbow Dash! Um...what's the matter?" She asked.

"The dude fainted from hitting the wall too hard...and ya know how to wake him...?"

"The dude? Who's that?"


"Oh...wait, why and how did he hit the wall?"

" him with my stool on his chest and he...uhm...kinda hit his head on the wall behind him and he the floor. Uh...unconscious."

"Oh no! He might have a concussion! Or temporary amnesia in the worst case scenario! Wait there for me Rainbow, I'm coming to your house!" Then she just ended the call like that.

I groaned.

Oh jesus christ what did I do.

"So, you said he slammed onto the wall? Here?" Fluttershy pointed at the wall.

She was here at my house a couple of minutes later, carrying a whole fully equipped first aid kit.

"Uh huh?" I looked at where she was pointing at.

Actually I didn't notice there was a coat hanger hook over there. You know, the type that are sometimes installed along the hallways to allow you to hang your coat.

Pretty stupid.

I mean, who uses that?

"He hit his head hard onto this coat hanger?" She asked, taking out a torch.

"Uh...I guess," I answered and looked at him.

"Oh no," she muttered.

I'm starting to get a little serious about his health.

Fluttershy opened one eye and flashed the torch at his eye.

What was she doing?

"Won't it hurt?" I asked.

"He has his eyes shut asleep Rainbow," Flutters murmured, "and I'm checking for concussions."

How did she know all this? She hasn't reached collage yet and hasn't majored in medicine and stuff.

Her gasp brought me back to the real world.

I looked at her and she was frowning.

"He has a concussion...and not only that," she told me.

Oh god.

"He also has internal bleeding in his head. On his right side of his brain," Fluttershy lifted his head to get a better view.

"Oh no this is bad. It could ruin his job! We need to get to the hospital. The internal bleeding could lead to brain damage. In the worst case scenario, it could clot the system! We need to get him to the hospital! NOW!!" She looked up at me, her eyes demanding.

I'm gonna kill myself. If his manager hears this, I'm dead. No no, I'll already be dead 'cause I killed myself.

I called the ambulance and told them our location.

Oh god what should I do?!

I feel so guilty and helpless.

Flutters packed her first aid kit, bringing it here for nothing.

Midst of the situation, the door bell rang.

I frowned.

The ambulance shouldn't be here yet.

"I'll go get it," Fluttershy put down her first aid kit and ran down to the door.

A moment later, I heard a ear-splitting scream.

Fluttershy's scream.

Oh no what now?!

I ran down to the door, ready to attack anything that made her scream like that.

I faced whatever that was at the door.

My eyes widened in realisation.


Yo guys- yelps at the riot forming in my comment space -whazzup...?

Yep I'm sorry for not updating for like, what, two weeks?

Sorry guys exams are the priority. PLS DON'T HATE ME!!

Anddd...who was at the door? Why did Flutters scream?

I'm evil I know

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