Here I am, just a normal nineteen year old girl who just has a mild case of the crazies but other than that absolutely normal. Do the same routine everyday when I was at school, but now I have no school, no parents and no life. I stay at home ninety nine percent of the time.
I have had enough of lieing to people, so I stopped making friends, most of them didn't know my name was Violet. I always changed my name just so no one would know, no one has to know.
So for the first time in a year I got off my ass and got somewhere in my life. I changed everything about me except my name this time. I dyed my hair brown and got a completely different style, I went for punk rock look, wearing leather boots, skinny jeans and a band tee.
I had put the house I was staying in on sale for the past three months, finally someone bought it and I booked my ticket online, packed my stuff and went to the airport. When I got my ticket from printing it out I went to gate I was boarding my plane on, gave my ticket to the lady and got onto the plane, never have I been so happy to get out of this horrible city. So I sat back in my seat getting ready to go on a new adventure
"Off to Australia I guess" I said to myself
Lights of the Night >>l.h
Teen Fictionever imagined how far we could get if we got on plane and went to where we were supposed to be. just to get out of the dreadful city we grew up in, ever imagined getting away from a horrid past that could tear us into a million pieces, well she did...