3-Fortunately Mine

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Sarah's POV'

Rain was pouring down everywhere harshly as I ran through the darkness of night, heading nowhere. I ran and ran until I could barely breathe. Running and panting looking for the place I call home. Not knowing where and what I was searching for.

His words destroyed me. Wreaking havoc into my life, crumbling everything that's left of my world. I searched for anything, something that can convince me that I'm not losing myself.

I found myself running into different corners, going to parts of the city I've never been to. Lost in the midst of a chaotic world, where everyone remains happy and calm, whilst I lose myself and drown in the despair his words brought to my life.

My heart is slowly tearing apart and it will come to a point where one day, no one can stop me from completely annihilating myself and everything that's left of me. And no words or anyone can stop me, not even him. Him who brought me happiness and made me whole when I could barely pick up my broken pieces, yet he was also the one who killed me, destroyed me and wrecked everything he ever so carefully fixed.

Nothing is left now. Just an empty void in this labyrinth of shattered dreams and broken hearts.

I know that he didn't mean it. I knew it right from the beginning, that it was just pity. Nothing more, nothing less. But I was so stupid and oblivious, so immature, that I was led on to believe something, when there was nothing to be led on in the first place. He had no hidden intentions. I was just too much of a hopeless romantic. And now, I'm stuck in a situation where I'm not supposed to be in.

Every single time I close my eyes I see him, his face, his contagious smile that never ceased to complete my day, his pale skin as white as snow, his light ash blonde hair, his eyes, those ever so green eyes that never failed to mesmerize me every time.

I looked around and saw nothing, just endless grounds of trees, forests that seemed to be endless, every turn I took seemed to lead nowhere, and all I felt was the storm coming, the heavy drops of rain falling above me, with the trees barely sheltering me.

I felt the winds pick up its pace, growing stronger and faster, harsher by the second, hearing the winds producing a wailing sound from all its thrashing and harsh nature. The leaves of the trees rustling, that's the sound of something barely holding on in life, the sound of its cries, knowing that if their stems give up, that would be the end of it all, their life. The life they've been working so hard for just to survive, to live longer.

As time flies by fast, like the wind from an oncoming storm. Suddenly, everything stopped. Everything stopped when I saw him. Then, the storm was gone, as if it was never even there, gone without a trace. But it wasn't only him who was there, he wasn't alone. Just when I thought I saw a glimmer of hope, I realized what a stupid person I was for even thinking that way.

Idiot. I thought to myself.

And as if that pain wasn't bearable enough, I felt the most pain I have ever felt my entire life when I saw them both asking for forgiveness from me. I can't believe this. They didn't even bother denying it.

Forgive us. They say. And that was the biggest bullshit I have ever heard. Forgive? I've given them more than enough chances before, but instead of fixing what they destroyed? They just made it worse. They not only crushed my heart and emotions I have left, but they also crushed my entire being, my soul, and what little humanity and sanity I had left of me.

I am now left with nothing but the complete emptiness I feel, drowning me in the deepness of the despairingly unfortunate events I was put through.

"Forgive? Big word. Does that even mean anything to you? Or it just lost its meaning because of the countless amount of times you've said it?" I asked. Forgive is such a simple word, but to me it had a lot of meaning for me. It used to mean the world to me when people say sorry for all the things they've done wrong to me, but among all the people, it was the two of them who did the most damage. The two people who are in front of me right now, begging for forgiveness. I never even realized how they knew I was here, and then it dawned on me. We were now on the cliff, the very cliff where I brought him on one of the most special day of my life. I didn't even realize I was here, somehow my legs found a way to bring me here.

"Can't answer me?! Why?! It's true isn't it?! And none of you even bothered to deny it!" I said furious, screaming every word on top of my lungs. "We never wanted for this to happen. We never wanted to lie to you, and now we're telling the truth." He said not even bothering to look me in the eye. "Fuck the truth. You knew what I was going through, I'd rather have you lie to me, stop whatever is going on between you two, and pretend like nothing happened. A fresh start, as what they say, but no, you chose to admit it. But not because you didn't want to lie to me, but because of the very fact that you wanted to choose her over me, and break the only lifeline I have left. And I bet my shitty and useless life on it that you know very well that you were my only lifeline left. You knew I was barely hanging on to anything. My life was literally on the verge of ending, not because I have depression, which by now everyone already knows thanks to you, but because I have leukemia! Fucking leukemia that might very well end my life before I even get to live it. You knew I had it, you knew I only had a few more months to live, but you never even bothered to wait until my last months were over. You were just so impatient, you just wanted to get rid of me. You wanted to get rid of the taint you got with your petty reputation, ever since you dated me. And you know what? For a second I actually thought you thought you were lucky to have me, but I was so wrong about that. The reality is I was the only who thought I was lucky to have you. So I'm going to make your life easier, because it seems like everything I do just complicates people's lives, even just the mere fact that I'm alive puts a heavy weight on their shoulders." I said and started walking towards the edge of the cliff.

And before they could say anything, "Good bye, Damien.", I jumped off the cliff. And suddenly while I was falling, I started hearing them scream for help. Too late. I thought to myself.

As I was nearing the rock-filled seashore at the bottom, the scream slowly faded, until there was just nothing but the sound of the wind ever so carefully caressing my face with my hair flying over my face, but I didn't care, because at that moment all I felt was contentment and peace. Because I guess this idea wasn't so bad after all. I was unfortunately his, and he was fortunately mine.

Suddenly, all I saw was darkness and nothing else.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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