Chapter 5: Silence

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They were tailing on their previous track, going back a few miles they just went through. The engine must have alerted the horde but now they're too far away for the zombies to notice. Lauren was just eyeing the gun in her hand, her body still as ever. She still doesn't feel comfortable holding guns and using them, especially against people even.. if they're dead.

They drove until they reached an intersection. Arin sighed. "I guess we have to take the long way." He said as he maneuvered the vehicle towards the right.

"I can't believe they come in groups." Dinah muttered. Normani placed her gun in the seat drawer. She looked at Dinah as if she wasn't introduced to media yet.

"I thought you loved The Walking Dead. Surely you'll know that zombies can come in groups." The black beauty said to her friend. Dinah shook her head and wagged her index finger.

"Nuh uh! They aren't zombies. They're called walkers." Dinah stated proudly.

"Dinah, everyone knows they're called walkers." Camila, who just grabbed a granola bar, butted in to their conversation as she sat beside Dinah.

"Shut up Walz. You were too scared to finish off season 6 with me."

"I was having nightmares!" Camila tried to defend herself.

"Yeah because you're a scaredy cat!" Dinah teased, poking her tongue out. Camila mumbled something inaudible as she took a harsh bite out of her snack.

"Don't eat all the granola bars now or we're gonna have to search for food." Dinah said playfully. "And you don't wanna go out there, in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, looking for granola bars."

Camila slapped Dinah harshly on the forearm. "I'm not a big eater!"

Dinah just laughed, "Ha, keep telling yourself that." 

Their banter kept everyone entertained, but Lauren wasn't having too much fun. Currently sitting beside Normani, she asked her to give her a way to get out so she could go to the back rooms and rest.

"Excuse me Mani, can I get through?" she politely asked. Normani was smiling widely at Dinah and Camila's argument.

"And let you miss out on this?" Normani pointed at her goofy friends. "No way! I know you enjoy watching Camila and Dinah argue."

Lauren's chest ached as she remembered how she and Camila used to be. She wanted that again; late night talks, banters, inside jokes, and just overall being comfortable with each other. She wished upon the star every night that she'll have that again, with her best friend. She misses her.

"Mani I need to go." Lauren said in a really cold tone. The dark beauty wanted to tease her more, but knowing Lauren, it isn't a pretty good idea. She shimmied over and gave her friend a small pathway. Lauren managed to give her a small smile.

"Thanks." the dark haired girl muttered before slipping out of her seat and into the small one-way hallway.

Normani's attention wasn't on the arguing goofballs anymore, but on Lauren. She noticed how Lauren hasn't really been herself these past few days, ever since the outbreak. Her actions are considerable since it's a zombie apocalypse after all, but she's just been.. off.. and distant, very distant. It's not very.. Lauren of her.

"No freaking way! Zac Efron is definitely hot!" Camila gushed out. Dinah just shook her head. 

"Nuh uh, no one is hotter than Robert fucking Pattinson." 

"Dinah! Watch your words!" Camila shushed Dinah, who scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"It's the apocalypse. No one's gonna make a montage of us swearing." Dinah huffed.

Camila's face fell when she was reminded of the current situation. 'Oh right.. We're in a zombie apocalypse.' she said to herself. Her mind ached when she remembers their dedicated harmonizers, who could be out there surviving alone or probably worse, being eaten by..

'Stop thinking bad thoughts! You're just gonna get yourself out of sanity.'

"You okay Chancho?" Dinah puts a comforting hand on the Cuban's shoulder. Camila shook her head and nodded. "Uhh yeah I'm fine." Dinah took her answer and was about to talk about something else but she was cut off by Normani.

"Guys, have you noticed that Lauren's been acting weird lately?" Normani asked her friends.

"Yeah, I wonder why.." Dinah dragged on, looking subtly at Camila beside her who was shrinking under her friend's gaze. Normani's gaze followed.

"What happened? What'd you do?" Normani immediately asked. Camila's eyes widened.

"I-I didn't do anything. I wouldn't hurt Lauren." Camila weakly defended, her head hung down. Normani sighed and reached over the table to grasp Camila's hand.

"Whatever it is that's happening between you two, I know you can go through it." Normani said. "But please, don't take too long. Lauren is very fragile and you know that."

Camila's heart ached. 'Yeah she is.' she thought to herself. She just nodded her head.

"Hey guys. You might wanna see this." Shawn said. Dinah, Camila, and Normani looked at each other before going over to the front side of the car.

"Holy crap." Dinah breathed out. Normani's eyes were wide from shock. Camila tried her best to hold in the tears threatening to flow out. This was just too brutal. 

Arin had the RV parked in the yard of what seems to be an abandoned school.. or what used to be a school.

The front gate itself was gruesome. Bodies of the undead were perched up on top of the fence. This view continued throughout the whole gate that wrapped around the school. Signs were perched too, warning signs. One of the perched zombies attempted to get itself off but just managed to split his torso in half. Camila almost spat out her breakfast, which was just a granola bar.

"That's crazy scary." Troy said. Camila saw Shawn rub at his eyes. She knows what he's thinking, and it breaks her to see him so vulnerable.

She rubbed his back in an attempt to comfort him. Shawn looked at her and gave her a smile. He muttered a thank you to which Camila smiled on. 

"Why did we stop? Where are we?" Ally's small voice appeared out of nowhere. Troy immediately stood up and went over to her. 

"Ally cover your eyes please." The guy begged. Ally looked at her boyfriend with a questioning look. 

"Why?" She asked, turning around and looking at Camila, Dinah, and Normani who were blocking the view. 

"Guys, what are you hiding?" Ally asked. Normani shook her head. 

"Nothing Ally. You don't need to see this." 

"Guys!" Ally complained. "Come on! Don't hide anything from me!" She demanded. Dinah, Camila, and Lauren looked at each other before looking at Troy for approval. The boy sighed and ducked his head, and nodded shortly after. They looked at each other one more time before nodding and breaking their barrier. Ally's eyes immediately widened.

She felt tears sting her eyes as her eyes slowly scanned the scene. Bodies brutally perched on the fences littered everywhere. She saw a head, alone, with a wide mouth. It made her sick to the stomach.

Her breathing became ragged and she began to hyperventilate. She desperately grasped her chest, not feeling any air come in to supply her. Her vision became blurred as her hearing was replaced by a buzz instead of her friends' voice calling desperately for her. She felt her body go slump as her vision went black soon after.

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